Girlfriend has pains in her womby area?


Jan 31, 2009
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My girlfriend is 7 weeks pregnant and is very often complaining about stomach pains, she has had no bleeding but her constant pain is worrying me.
I hope this is nothing to worry about as I could not mentally handle her having a miscarriage.
Anyways, to the point, is this normal for her to experience?
Thankyou in advance :)
During the beginning of my pregnancy I had pains in my womb and went to the doctors, he told me that everything down there was just streching to get ready for holding the baby. I noticed that you live in the Preston area so if you are worried I would suggest a phone call to the midwifes at Preston Hospital, they will probably ask you to nip in. I went quite a few times when I was expecting Chloe and they were lovely, are you hoping to have the baby at Preston? If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Best wishes to you and your girlfriend.

i had pains like period pains when i was pregnant with my daughter, and iv had them with this pregnancy too (i'm 8 weeks and they are just subsiding) i think its stretching pains. my middle pregnancy did end in miscarriage, and i had no pain whatsoever with that one, so for me its a good thing. if they are so bad she cant walk or is in tears then she needs to go to a&e. if its just mild period pain i wouldnt worry :hug: x
To KellyandBump - We do live in Preston at the moment but are returning to our hometown when she finishes her Nursing Course, and thanks :D

To trixipaws - She is not in as much pain as you described so that is a load off.
She just complains that she has stabbing pains occasionally, I hope it is just stretching then, thankyou :D

I have been through a miscarriage (with my very first pregnancy).......the pain is unbearable - I was bent over double and bleeding like I have never done before. For me, there was no doubting I was losing the pregnancy.

I went on to have another 2 successful pregnancies (a girl and a boy, who has just been born). During the first stages of pregnancy, period type pains and dragging pains is completely normal in my experience. Never be afraid to get it checked out though - it will put your mind at rest.

She will be fine!! What a lovely guy to be that concerned that you have posted on here!

Julia xxxx
I had period like pains in that area for the first few weeks, they did subside after that but I got them on and off throughout my whole pregnancy. Its just the womb stretching and making room for baby as he/she grows. Get her checked out if you need to put your mind at rest but I'm sure everything is fine :hug: :hug:
When I had a miscarriage in my first pregnancy I had no pains at all. When I got pregnant the time after with my son I had loads of pain on and off right until the end. It was like sharp shooting pain and period pain as well sometimes. Everything was fine though and my son is now 10 months!
for the few 16 or so weeks of my pregnancy I had loads of sharp pains and stabbing pains and I even had a small bleed at 7 weeks. I had period pains all the way to about 24 weeks or so but when I asked the MW about it she siad it was perfectly normal to feel pains and it's really common for women to bleed too. I was sent for a early scan which showed everything was fine and now I have a perfectly healthy 4 month old.

because of the changes the body is going to have to make to accomodate a baby a hormone is released that softens all the muscles and ligaments that hold the tummy tight (well for some people, not so much! :rotfl: ) so that as the baby grows it's got room and the tummy can expand around it. When these muscles are softening etc it's much easier for mum to pull or tear the muscles than before which is why they shouldn't do any heavy lifting etc. some women feel it much more than others.

I've not had a miscarriage but from what most of the ladies say on here it's unmistakable if you are.
I had pains up until about 12 weeks and also had a bit of spotting at 7 weeks and everything turned out well. The midwife said it was very common and normal but that doesn't make it any less worrying when you are going through it. :hug:
I had pains in early pregnancy and kept thinking the worst. Thank god everything was just fine. Im sure what she's experiencing is normal :hug:

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