

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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how do i make my newborn sleep? he keeps getting overtired and from being awake at 10 am didnt sleep till half 2. then woke at 6pm and is only just drifting off now. i know this is far to long for a 2 week old to be awake for. its really tiring i feel like ive spent all day after each feed trying to get him to sleep. since midnight hes spent 10 hours awake. and 12 hours asleep...

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I've always just let her sleep as much as she wants, she was asleep all the time and only just over the last two days spending a couple of half hours awake a day. I dont think it does them any halm if they where not happy they wouldn't sleep. xx
no i wish he'd sleep more! he spends all his awake time grumbeling cause hes tired but just wont drift off. my 2 year old has slept 2 hours longer in the last 24 hours. starting to think hes got colic without the crying.

wish he'd sleep like your lo red bear! xx

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Tyler used to be terrible at night (can't remember the day!) he's naughty and feeds to sleep, which I don't mind at night but I'm starting to try and put him Down I'm the day ATM. Its horrible when they fight it!

I was also struggling getting my lo to sleep. I suggest going for long walks and drives about 90 mins after the lo wakes as the movement will probably force him to sleep. Problem is this isn't always possible when you have a toddler too. I use the baby carrier round the house sometimes and if I hasn't hurt my back would have bought a sling. Chances are he will drift off to sleep in it plus it will leave your arms free to do other stuff.
Some babies do fight sleep. My Sis had this with her LO. Yeah same advice as Kbex 1.5 hours after being awake either take him to a darkened room and swaddle and rock(?!) or just stroke to sleep. Is it too early for a dummy as I know Fin really loves going to sleep in the day munching on his dummy! driving or being in a buggy also makes Fin sleep so worth that to start with just to break the over tired pattern? Good luck
Thanks for the advice ladies. He sleeps great at night, last night he fed at 10.30, 1.00, then 7.00 :-) and settles straight away it's just the day time that's the problem!
What tiredness ques do you all go off? Sometimes he'll be on my knee yawning and tired then I pop him in his basket and he's suddenly wide awake and fighting sleep! Xx
Forestlass he already has a dummy, seems to keep him awake sometimes! Xx
Im so sorry sound like a twit didnt read it right at all did i??? Baby brain!!! Alice went through stages of not settling for a bout three days at a time every couple of weeks so far and the only thing i can advise is maybe try letting him drift off and leave him for a while before moving to his basket, Alice hates hers as soon as her arse touches her bed she is wide awake. I got a baby sleep nest at a sale and it goes in your bed for baby to go in but is strong enough if you roll you can't roll any further, when OH goes to work and she wakes i pop her in that next to me and she will sleep for hours after and we sleep in :) Maybe worth a try if he wants to be close to you like she does xx
Glad your LO is good at night :-) I think the light and distractions make it hard for them to sleep. I take F to his cot in the daytime if i am in do he associates his cot with sleep. Maybe do a swaddle/half-swaddle, hold in your arms and sway in a darkened quiet room? If I put a dummy in for Fin he associates it with sleep and sucks himself to sleep in my arms this way. Normally in am I just lie him in cot and he self settles but @4 he needs a power nap before bed at 6.30 so I use the craddle rock then. Good luck xx

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