Getting sterilised?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Any one been sterilised or thinking about it? I'm seriously considering it and have been for about a year and I'm 100% sure I don't want any more kids. I'm a bit scared though of actually having it done. I'm not even sure if I will be able to get it done as I'm only 28 in June. I have 2 girls and a boy and I'm totally happy with them but don't really want to be on the pill for the next 15+ years. DH is having none of it when we discuss a vasectomy so I guess I'll have to take some action.
hi hun,
I was due to get sterillised in Nov last year and the very day before, I found out I was pg. It was very hard to get mt head round as I was so ready for sterilisation. Then as you can see from my ticker I miscarried which has to have been the worst thing thats ever happened. Despite not wanting anymore children I had grown to love this chance that otherwise I would not have taken. To lose him/her cruel.

My dh was like yours, a vasectomy was a no no. After what we went through with the miscarriage he has decided that he will go for one. I went through too much for him to say he doesnt want to do it.

I will go back and get an appointment for sterillisation, I am still of the opinion that its the right thing to do and my family is complete, angel baby and all.

Go with your instincts :hug:
Claire&Jack said:
what age have you got to be?

I don't think theres any set age I just think they might say I'm a bit too young yet. I dunno!
my DH is thinking about getting it done after we've had this one and he'll be nearly 27. i just looked on the NHS website and it says 30 if you have no kids. so im not sure what they say if you have and you're younger than that :think:
I was 27 when I approached about being sterilised but due to other health problems had to get those sorted out before I could, there was never any issue about having it done because of my age....

Anyway my Hubby then decided he would go for the snip and look what happened see ticker below :? :shock: :shock:

He is going to get done again and once I have had this one we have decided I will also be sterlised so there are no suprises next time :lol:
i cant speak from experience as i do probably want more kids when im older and i only hav one anyway, but i kno someone who is 35, got 3 kids aged 9-15 and has been sterilized. she now has a new boyf who has no kids (my boyf's mate) and she's tryna get it reversed. but she's not having any luck with nhs due to her age and that she already has 3. that could be u in 10 years time hun dont do anything so final- im sure she at the time was as sure as u are. thats my opinion anyway! :hug:
Can I just say that when I had my second baby I was 100% sure i didn't want anymore kids, this lasted about 3.5/4 years, then my youngest started nursery/school and to my astonishment my brain suddenly did a u-turn and started getting broody. I was very surprised by this, so is it a possibility you might feel the same when your youngest is older?
Thanks for the input girls. The fact the last 2 posts made me question my decision must mean I have some doubts in my mind somewhere :? I know its a massive decision to make and I'm still going to ask the GP this afternoon but maybe leave of for a couple of years till Nathan starts nursery. I still don't want anymore kids but I would hate to change my mind in a few years and it be too late.
hun if youve any doubts at all dont do it wait a few more years :hug: xxxxxxxxxx

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