Getting sick of people pulling a face when I say...

Totally agree with you- were keeping ours a secret to and everyone keeps trying to make us give in!
Hi M2A! We have decoy names, he hee! I have a list and occasionally throw in real names we are considering to gage reaction in amoungst fake names. But people want to know your favourite so we have pretend favourites we know our parents dislike so that when we go for the real name its better recieved! Tres sneaky!

I've told them I like Bruce after Bruce Wayne (Batman) and they actually believe me because i'm a comic book geek

And my DH says he likes Ernie after the comedian, or he says Connor if he really wants to wind them up.

But in reality neither name is a contender. They can just be suprised on the day just as you intend too xx
Yeah we had this reaction too when people asked us our names! And although we had names chosen we kept is secret and also used decoys to throw them off the scent but then when Matilda was born the name we had initially chosen didnt suit her so we literally didnt have her name for a couple of days! Then when we told one of our inlaws, he said 'seriously' your calling her Matilda! Cheeky git!

Good for you all for keeping something secret from all of them xxx
If you can't choose your own child's name what can you choose!
We've been getting a lot of looks coz we don't gave a definite name yet!
But as others have said everyone knows it's a boy so something
has to be kept back!
Absolutely! They had their go. Parents are the worst criminals at pulling faces. Hence the decoy names! With any luck they will be relieved by the real choice
Absolutely! They had their go. Parents are the worst criminals at pulling faces. Hence the decoy names! With any luck they will be relieved by the real choice

We've done the same. If anyone asks the get a joke name (currently it's Frogmella :D).

My Mum keeps suggesting the rankest names ever so I just say yes to whatever she suggests (she knows I'm not serious).

We're not even discussing it until we know the sex then we'll start to seriously think about.

Not telling a soul coz to be frank someone will have a negative opinion and it's none of their business so neeerrrrr :nerner:
We always had names picked out and we never told anybody what they were. When we knew it was a boy we told people what his name was going to be. They asked what the girls name would have been but we refused to tell. Its completely your decision. xx
well my fave name is Seth and 99% of people i have told have not only told me they dont' like it but have gone out of their way to convince me its a bad name :roll: my mum, dad and brother are horrified, they think i've gone mad, i said yesterday they are acting as though i've said i want to name him 'Tomato' or something ridiculous like that!

and of course most people say to me 'what, like Seth from Emmerdale' soo bloody annoying. OH admitted last night that he has warmed to it and does like it but i know his mates and colleagues are putting him off. i wish i'd kept it a secret now! xx
I think Seth is a lovely name, v cute for when hes little and sounds v important and classy for when hes older. Stick to your guns hunny dont let anyone change your mind x x

Once you're lo is called Seth hun, everyone will associate the name with him ;) I like it! It's not very common in the UK at all. Def a cool name.xx
Once you're lo is called Seth hun, everyone will associate the name with him ;) I like it! It's not very common in the UK at all. Def a cool name.xx

My friends little boy I'd called Seth. He's lovely. What Olive says is true.
Little Missys name is a secret. Anyone else having this? There are 2 reasons we are keeping her name a secret
1) i wanted to keep something a suprise because we know shes a girl
2) i know some people will pull a face as its not a traditional girly name and we have changed the spelling to make it different x x

Same everybody knows we are having a little girl but the name stays secret :) I also change the spelling as i found it nicer the way I wanted it :)
I am not too bother by others, if they like or don't like I really don't care at the moment my husband and I love it :)

The thing is we are calling her by her name when we are talking to her and we need to be careful in front of family, friends, colleagues etc... because we still want to keep it secret :)
We're keeping names secret. There's always someone who comes along and spoils it if you don't.
I don't blame you. I think it's a nice surprise when he/she is born if you keep it a secret. I don't know why people turn their noses up at names, it's such a hard decision deciding on a name - as long as you're both happy with that is all that matters! X
I Get it from MIL. She's always saying 'Is the name still Preston Harry?' Erm yes, I like it & so does your son. Yesterday she said Harry Preston sounds better...I was like, erm NO I don't want Harry as a first name! Grr! Lol xx

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