Getting rid of the dog today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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I've decided to give my dog up :( I feel i'm being unfair to her. I'm not taking her out like i used to, spending time with her like i used to and if i'm honest shes doing my head in! I've been thinking about it for a while and looked on the net for a rehoming place for labradors. I rang them the other day and the women was lovely says bitches don't stay there long. They home and vet check every person wishing to take dogs on. Says shes got a semi retired couple in lakes looking for pet which would be fab for Esme. I love her and i've had her for 5 yrs 5 good years. With having to leave the place i'm in asap and having to move into rented accomadation i feel this is the right time. I know i'm doing the right thing and it will be better for her but i'm still upset and i've got a knot in the bottom of my belly :cry: :cry:
:( You poor love. I don't think I could give my dogs away and one of mine has been with us 5 years :hug:
I'm just packing her stuff up now :cry: I know i'm doing the right thing by her.. but i feel so sad. It's not a good day today :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: youve made the right choice for you and your dog.Ive contemplated rehoming mine many a time over the past year but it would be harder for me as i have 2.they just dont get the commitment they need.
Well its done.. she's gone :cry: it was horrible. I've just rang to check she's ok and she says shes been rehomed already! A retired couple came to look at another dog and they fell in love with Esme and have taken her. I'm not to sure if shes telling me to make me feel better..anyway.. says she email me some pictures of her in her new home when she gets them. :(
More hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: Iv had to do this when me and the ex split as i didnt have the time anymore (had to go back to work) and it was unfair on bonny so i know how you feel, you sit there thinking that they think you didnt want or love them but bonny went to a great home and i got sent a few pics of her haveing a great time, with people that were home all day for her.

Its awfull but in a few weeks you will know you did it for the right reasons. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry to hear you've had to give her away hun, hopefully the couple that took her will take good care of her and look after her, it must have been hard saying goodbye to her though. :(
awww honey :( i cant imagine how you feel. i've only had my dog 6 weeks but cant imagine going through what you have :hug: you did the right thing though :hug:

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