Getting nervous!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Just feeding Henry ready to put him to bed at 8. This is the first night I will be puttin him to bed so have no idea what to expect. No idea how long he will sleep for before he wakes to be fed.

I'm not nervous about actually putting to bed as he self soothed quite well, generally taking about 10-20 mins.

No idea what I'm gonna do with myself this evenin if he stays down! Bar of choc and actually watch and not read something on tv! Lol!
What does he normally do? Is he still in a basket?

I'm sure he'll Di amazingly!

He normally just comes up to bed with us when we go up, has a feed and goes down. He does self soothe tho.

Yeah he is still in a basket next to our bed.

Was gonna put him down in his basket in our room to self soothe but the little monster has fallen asleep whilst im winding him!
Oooooh! Good luck hon!!!! Let us know how it goes?
It's amazing when they are used to it and you shut that door and know if you and OH! Tyler goes 40 mins has another little feed then goes for 2-3 hours.

Well i think I'm gonna chicken out tonight! Gonna start tomorrow when DH is home so I'm not sitting here on my own thinking about it! I'm gonna leave him to self soothe in his basket in the front room like he does during the day, and make the transition to the bedroom tomorrow night.

Don't think I can face doin it on my own the first night. Need the distraction and company :(
Oh we can do it together im putting kayla to be tmrw at 8 ish too

Wanted to do it today but oh only got in at 930 so was too late, she is also wide awake right now and has been since 730 so wouldnt have happened anyway lol
The first night I did it with Ella I was up and down the stairs like a mad woman checking on her! Now shes in bed by herself by half 9 every night - gives me time to be me for a few hours!

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