Getting LO back to sleep in the middle of the night

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
Just wanting some advice. Dylan is really good and doesn't seem to have night and day too confused, he is awake quite a lot during the day now and tends to go down at about 9pm. He then wakes for a feed at about 11 and goes back to sleep then he wakes again at 2 for his next feed but stays awake for about an hour sometimes 2! We try not to interact with him so he knows its time to sleep and make sure he's in his sleeping bag but every time we try and put him in his crib he just crys. He's quite content to just lay on the bed next to us, we've tried cuddling him to get him to sleep which does work but as soon as we try to put him down he starts crying. Once he is asleep he'll wake for a feed and then go back down again without a problem. Does anyone have any advice on how to get him back to sleep again?
x x x
Hey hun we had a similar problem but where LO wouldn't go down unless we rocked her! We wanted to get out of the habit of this and for her to go back down on her own so have just bought a music box thing that clips to the cot and plays lullabys....she loves it and goes of within a few minutes! Maybe something like this may help? Xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Ahh harry is the same in the night! But I don't give in. He has a lil 5 mins grizzle then eventually goes back to sleep! Last night I downloaded an app called 'sleepy baby' which plays lullabyes! Think he likes it :) xx
Thank you I shall try some music tonight. We have a mobile but not used it yet so I'll see if that works! X
Have a read through the thread I started about 'what am I doing wrong' if you haven't already as there are some great ideas to try. We're having some sleep problems too, it's so frustrating at times. Kynon normally goes back down ok now after his feed but he def didn't at 3 weeks old, think I used to just keep feeding, winding and rocking him back to sleep then. Sorry I can't be more help x
In the middle of the night I jump up and feed LO as soon as he starts groaning, making sure he doesn't get to crying stage. We have a dimmer switch so I turn it right down, almost to darkness and feed him like this, he then falls asleep easily as he hasnt really woken up properly and remains settled. Hope you get it sorted xx
Thanks for the replies. We keep the room lights dimmed and I usually get to him before he starts to cry and fully wakes up, he just seems to wake up during the feed. We did have a good night last night and he didn't stay up but he'd had a busy day as we'd had photos done. I'll see if we can manage the same tonight! x
Ahh harry is the same in the night! But I don't give in. He has a lil 5 mins grizzle then eventually goes back to sleep! Last night I downloaded an app called 'sleepy baby' which plays lullabyes! Think he likes it :) xx

I downloaded this last night, its brilliant! Phoebe loves the nature sounds. Thanks :) xx
My LO sleeps alot better when its pitch dark, obvs I cant see what I'm doing for feeds in dark so I open bedroom door slightly & turn on bathroom light (just enough to make out what i'm doing) he always closes his eyes again straight away. I only speak to him once or twice & I know it sounds a bit terrible but I dont smile at him just lift him straight out & in.

Have you tried putting a blanket under his head when feeding/cuddling & keeping it there when moving over to cot, it means their wee head doesn't get cold from the cot, worked for me....oh & white noise.

Good luck
Don't know if anyone's already mentioned this but I find if I put my hot water bottle in his crib for a bit and take it out when I put him to bed ur sleeps better. My other half puts his comfort blanket over his eyes and holds his dummy in and he usually goes to sleep. He also likes the hum of our dehumidifier seems to soothe him, maybe if you have something similar like an extractor fan? We also play the same lullabies for all his naps and big sleeps so he learns to associate it with sleep :) he likes to be swaddled tight so maybe try that9 he's learning to hold his dummy in though so he always wants one arm free just to be awkward xx

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