Getting kicks in me bits :)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Ha they feel so weird :lol: anybody else had this she seems to turn lots and kick me up top then turn again and either punch or kick right down low, they are really strong sometimes.

Have also felt her kick my bladder a few times thats feels even more weird makes me feel like im going to pee myself while shes doing it then when she stops that feeling goes.

How are all your kicks comming along?
I've not had too much movement past week or so, missing them!!
oooohh...... i get those kicks in mi bladder early in the morning and myb bathroom is downstairs !!!

im gonna buy a potty :rotfl:
Aww Vicki Lo is being quiet :( Drink a pint of cold water lol and im sure they will be lots of movements seems to work when I do it :D

Lol Ebony im glad i dont get that I just get the 2 am pee the 4 am pee and the 6 am pee lol
Vicky, my LO is often v quiet even now, it really depends on how they are lying. I have spent so much time worrying but as long as you feel the odd movement there is nothing to worry about, my LO can have a whole week of being lazy! My big tip is chocolate or cold pepsi :lol:
I have started to worry about it as it;s been a week or so, i've been getting the odd we bit of movement at night but notthing like i was, got MW tomorrow anyways!!

So on way home, i'm stocking up on chocolate (any excuse!), water and pepsi!!

I shall give it a go and let you know how it goes later on!!
Yes let us know how you get on :hug: I think Skattys right LO must of moved to another position, I think the only reason I can feel Roxy so much is because shes a constant figit like me lol can't keep still for more than 5 mins.
Vicki it was exactly the same for me some movements but compared to before nearly nothing, I rang my midwife at 24 weeks because I was so worried and she said that any movement at that stage is good. I had been getting movement near my belly button but suddenly it was only down low. At 27 weeks it was comfirmed that she was in a breech position and facing in so I wasn't feeling most of the movements. Its hard but try not to compare your LO to other peoples, I hardly ever get kicked but feel fidgeting and pressure belowe the ribs. Are you having a girl by any chance, it does seem to my friends that have one of each that girls tend to be a bit lazier on the movement front :D
lol im having a girl but shes seems to be very active to me, but like I said I think its because I can never keep still :D that could all change though if she does go into breech postion and to be quite honest I wouldnt mind for abit because she keeps kicking my bladder :lol:
That's the good thing about them being breech, no midnght toilet trips, well for me anyway :lol:
awww Skatty that would be lovely not to have to get up at silly O'clock I hate having to get up out of a comfortable postion, especialy as its proberly taking me 12 or 15 times tossing ad turning and then 3 hours later before I find a comfy position :roll:
I don't know what sex LO is, wee bugger wouldn't let us find out!! You're getting me excited saying it's a girl though!

I never have to get up in the middle of the night for the loo, i can sleep right through without even the slightest disturbance!!
Every time i eat sweet things it kicks like mad, on mon night OHwas having a few beers so i had a week shandy and big bar of galaxy and it was having a party in there it was kicking me in the same place it was hurting so OH finaly go it to move 3am it went to sleep
skatty said:
Vicki it was exactly the same for me some movements but compared to before nearly nothing, I rang my midwife at 24 weeks because I was so worried and she said that any movement at that stage is good. I had been getting movement near my belly button but suddenly it was only down low. At 27 weeks it was comfirmed that she was in a breech position and facing in so I wasn't feeling most of the movements. Its hard but try not to compare your LO to other peoples, I hardly ever get kicked but feel fidgeting and pressure belowe the ribs. Are you having a girl by any chance, it does seem to my friends that have one of each that girls tend to be a bit lazier on the movement front :D

PHEW!!! I was starting to worry then!! I was feeling kicks loads last week, propper hard ones but now they are really soft, Also have started to feel a bit sick (Like morning sickness) again and the odd headache, the MW says that my blood pressure and that is fine though
Yeah don't worry Vix, I bet your LO has changed its position, how many weeks are you?

Vicki, I'm thinking pink for you :hug:
Aw thanks Skatty! :hug:

What is it about the heart rate, is it girls have a higher heart rate than boys? Got midwife in an hour and gonna ask what babys heart rate is to see if it's true or not!
They say the higher the heartrate (over 140 I think) means girl but the first time I had it done it was 131! When was monitered the other day my LO was awake and it varied from 165+. Also thery say if it sounds like a galloping horse its a girl and train a boy but I think this depends on the speed because again the first time sounded like a train!

A lot of midwives do say this is the most reliable old wives tale though! Good luck and let us know how it went!

I think if its 140+ they say girl. Under 140 boy but remember its an old wives tale!

I heard chocolate and fresh orange juice is good for getting the baby moving

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