Getting kicked???


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I always find the HB over to the left side and been nudged in the centre, checked it this morning and it was more in the centre. Sitting here though I keep getting thuds on the right of my bump. It's on and off so don't think it's a muscle twitch and I feel like I'm being poked lol.

Is this what kicking feels like? Had quite a few after daddy made me laugh xxxxxxxxxxx
Cant comment sadly. I haven't had as much as a flutter yet, though it's still really really early so I'm not worried.
Exciting if you can feel kicks already though!
it will most probably be movement yeah! I remember the first time I felt proper movements, there's no mistaking it! But the fluttery feelings I got weeks before, I mistook them for gas or digestion, until it kept happening

How exciting :good:
Hopefully Podge is getting ready to flash us tomorrow lol.

Torino I am sure you'll feel it soon. Can anterior placentas move or do they stay where they are?
I think it might be able to move, I guess I'll find out in a few weeks on the scan if it has or not.

I've had a bit going on lately so perhaps I haven't been paying attention lol
That sounds promising

How is hubby? was his op ok? Did you poke him in the collar bone for me? :lol: xxxxxxxx
That sounds promising

How is hubby? was his op ok? Did you poke him in the collar bone for me? :lol: xxxxxxxx

He's had his op now, hopefully he'll be home today. I am scrubbing the house cos I don't want him catching an infection.

I feel a bit sorry for him because he said he was in pain. He said he didn't think it would be that bad. I reminded him he now has a metal plate screwing together 2 bones and that's likely to cause a fair bit of pain... Doh
Bless him. Collar bones are very painful. Will be interesting to see if he sets off the security alarms in shops lol. Hope he feels better soon and don't wear yourself out hun xxxxxxxxxx
Sounds like the little one. Mine always kicks on the right hand side
Sounds like baby! Good luck with your scan tomorrow too!!!

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