Getting excited OR combatting the blues

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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This thread is to write down the little things we do in preperation, maybe when we need a lift or feel we must do something. But if you are like me then you dont want to tempt fate by painting a nursery or buying baby clothes, so what can you do?

I have bought a small apple tree. It's too little to go in the ground yet. I am going to plant it when my baby is born! And it will be his/her tree. In the meantime I can watch it grow and know that I have bought it enough in advance that when I do get pregnant it will be big enough for definite after 9 months to be planted!

The only thing I can't work out is how on earth I'm going to be planting trees the same day I'm giving birth!

That's just one of my things, do you have any?
I have lots more - another is a money box I call 'The Nappy Fund'. It's actually a tall tin that i got a bottle of Laphroaig 18 yr old Malt in, I cut a hole in the top and i throw all my coppers into it. But recently, as I feel closer to getting a BFP one day soon, i have started to chuck in the odd silver as well, 20p's, 50p's etc. I give it a shake when I feel low, it's getting really heavy now, and I feel good about what my baby can one day have from the nappy fund, some gorgeous bear perhaps from somewhere really really expensive!! LOL

Does no body else do anything like this?
This might actually be the opposite of what you have done but recently I have decided to tempt 'Sod's law' in my attempts to get a BFP. Yesterday I spent loads of money on tampons and ovulation kits and then planned a holiday for 8 months time. The thinking is that now I have spent the money it's Sod's Law that I will be preganant and it will all have been a waste of money!

Let's hope it works
This might actually be the opposite of what you have done but recently I have decided to tempt 'Sod's law' in my attempts to get a BFP. Yesterday I spent loads of money on tampons and ovulation kits and then planned a holiday for 8 months time. The thinking is that now I have spent the money it's Sod's Law that I will be preganant and it will all have been a waste of money!

Let's hope it works

i love this! im totally the same, trying to tempt fate in any way i can - agreeing to holiday/festivals and nights out in the near future that im hoping i will book and then have to cancel! xx
Ooh I wonder if that works? I'm a bridesmaid in April and we are supposed to be going dress shopping in London in a couple of weeks. I shall have to pay a deposit and order the dress a specific size, I did wonder about telling my friend about ttc and saying that maybe we should hold off on ordering my dress size, but perhaps I should just go for it ...... c'mon fate!
Love the tempting fate idea. I'm gonna start a direct debit into a savings account each month so I can go buy lots of stuff for baby when the time comes. That's about as imaginative as I get I'm afraid :rolleyes: x
It didn't work. Stupid witch is here.
Star fish same as me, I'm a bridesmaid in may and I havnt a clue what to do, I can't tell her were ttc. Guess I'll just have to see what happens
Me & my OH have started a 'Baby Fund'. We both put £25 a month into an old account of his for big stuff like a cot & pram etc. We started it about 6 months ago so it's building up nicely now! :)

Blimey Clairebear, that is dedicated, what if you suddenly needed £100 for yourself, would you take it out? I'm not sure I could be so disaplined (sp?), same to you princess81, could you hold yourself off? I think that's why i just have tin of coppers because I would spend real money! Then again most people are probably better with money than moi!

toni64539 (I keep meaning to ask you what the numbers mean), it's a stress isnt it! I can only hope that she isnt too upset if i have to follow her down the aisle looking like a bungalow. I will offer to drop out if i am hugely preggers, but I dont think she'll let me. And it's an even worse that thought that i might not be!! I so so hope i am!!

Ok, so back to the main theme of the thread, here's another as you lot don't seem to be able to think of many and i have a ton! Maybe you just havnt noticed you are doing them......

3) I'm going to get my grandmother to teach me to knit!! I'm not kidding. Apparently it is not just very theraputic and relaxing as a hobby but also prevents altzemiers and other mental illnesses because it uses a part of your brain that is generally under stimulated by modern life. By knitting little hats and socks (I dont reackon I will get much beyond that level) I will feel all maternal and like i am doing something wonderful for my future baby. Also because i am can't stand to wool, I can knit with something lovely and soft like chinelle (sp?) which will be cosy on the baby.

PS. Catty, really sorry about the witch, at least you didnt waste that money on tampax! Next month fingers crossed! And by the way, I have been meaning to say, I'm not sure if it's a lolly or what in your profile pic, but to me it looks like a pencil and you look like I imagine Lois Lane to look when she's on a hot story! Are you a reporter?

Starfish xxx
Starfish it's really sad, 64539 on a mobile are the numbers with corresponding letters that spell out mikey, my husband is Michael, I know I know, I'm a geek, but I always have it as a username since being 17 when we met
Starfish its a shame you live a bit far from me, I could teach you to knit! Its not as nerdy and old-ladyish as it sounds, tho! I have learned to spin my own fibre into yarn, and the possibilities are endless. When I conceive I was thinking of knitting an heirloom baby blanket out of silk or cashmere.
Starfish - It's not a lolly, it's a medal. Believe it or not I am currently the British over 30's Intermediate gymnastics champion! Sounds way more impressive than it really is.

Won't be defending my title this year though as it is looking like it wasn't the witch after all. Have had 3 really, really faint BFP's so far!
Wow hoping this is it for you catty x
fantastic thread starfish.

i have been trying to go the sod's law route although isn't working so far. hopefully soon.

been thinking of other things i can do aswell things like the tree but no garden. lol.

good luck ladies.

OMG OMG! Catty!! Even a faint BFP is a BFP!! Isn't it??

I think your champion gym days are over! Am so thrilled for you, when are you getting it 'confirmed'?

Naomi, where do you live? I think making your own heirloom blanket sounds absolutely amazing! It might be in your family for hundreds of years to come! Remember to stitch in the year it was made. What a wonderful gift to your future baby and to your future grandchildren etc. I feel so inspired to learn to knit now, I want to make something lasting! I was thinking about cutting up my wedding dress and turning it into a Christening Gown, do you think that would work?

Im in south wales, Chepstow? I think a christening gown from your wedding dress is an amazing idea! Between us we could make some lovely stuff!
We need a 'baby crafts' thread. My husband said I can make a patch work baby blanket with a load of his old jumpers. I must confess though that he seems to think that I can just knock this stuff up and I dont have a clue. Another reason to learn all my Grandmother can teach me before it's too late, her generation really could do anything with a sewing machine, but she's in her 80's and might not be around for ever....

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