We have 8 dogs including 2 8 month old brothers who were born here and a 14 month old LO.
I work PT and OH works shifts.
Our dogs are worked in harness, do agility for fun and show dogs too. 2/3 times a week one of us is in the forest at 4am or 11pm running them in harness to keep them mentally and physically fit and stimulated.
Daily they have at least 2 sessions in our paddock of free running and a lead walk of apprx 30 - 45 mins each.
Each week they have 2-3 training sessions in the barn each - I am a dog trainer anyway so this is essential to me.
It is extremely hard work, but we have committed to having these dogs and know what they need to keep them.
If we both worked FT and couldn't commit to this then TBH we wouldn't have them.
Some breeds of dog do not need/want much physical excersise others require a great deal, but more importantly do you have the time for training that a puppy needs aswell?