getting a baby christened


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So I was wondering if you guys can help me out? When the baby is here I was thinking of getting him christened although I am catholic (but dont go to church) and my boyfriend dont follow any religion he is a christian

any suggestions?
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and also whats the difference between baptism and being christened ?
baptism and being christened are the same thing :)

My eldest Dad is Catholic and I am CofE. She was baptised Catholic. We went to Catholic church more often so that's how the choice was made.

Hebe was baptised CofE as my hubby and I are both CofE and we are regulars at church. We had her done when she was 12 wks old. Sidney's not been done and we have no plans just yet because our church doesnt have a vicar :( I want him done soon though.
i would say discuss with your partner as to why your getting baby christened and then decid best place iv not christened my dd im a spiritualist and feel they should choose there own way although i do make sure they have a christian up bringing
I would say think about why you want the baby to be baptised. I will definetly be having my baby baptised as soon as I can, but then I am a practising catholic who teaches in a catholic school and attends mass each week. My husband is not catholic, or any religion for that matter, but because he realises how important it is to me he will support me in bringing our little boy up as a catholic. I have known people having their children baptised because they were baptised themselves as babies and they thought it was "cute", but then never having any intentions of taking the child to mass or bringing it up to have any understanding of the faith they had chosen for their child. If it's more of an official "welcome to the world" sort of thing that you want, rather than a religious ceremony, why not have a naming ceremony which doesn't have to have any religious connotations attached to it? Or, if you do still feel that you want to have your baby baptised I would suggest that you start attending mass regularly now so that you become known to your priest. In my parish the priests can be quite strict and won't baptise babies whose parents haven't shown willing to attend mass in the lead up to the baby's birth. It would be great if you decided to have him/her baptised and found that you wanted religion to be a part of yours and your baby's life more permanantly. Lots for you to think about!
I know people who have had their kids Christened and dont even go to Church?! One of the mothers goes to playgroup and will openly admit she isnt religious in any sense of the word. Weirdos. I too think its up to the individual to choose their own religion. MIL winds me up when she says 'all babies are God's children unless they choose otherwise' - she bought Rosie a bible when she was a few weeks old. FFS.
My Mum had me and my sister christened in Church of England, but I only went at xmas when at home.
I don't know whiat I believe in to be honest, but the only bit of religon I like, is the being charitable and looking out for each other, so the more comunity spirted side of the church, as that bit is always forgotten. My kids can follow any religion or none, when they are old enougth to think about such things and I will support them in this.

My sister also does nto go to church, but had a best mates father (vicar) christen her three kids , so got in on a technicallity! She has not been to church since! I attended each time as a good sister should , she dosen't know what I feel about this topic, as no need to tell her, I thought she was stupid to do something that she doesn't believe herself, no point upsetting her over religion. I thnk my sister likes to occasion and the party side of it, and all the distant relatives will travel for a christening, when otherwise wouldn't perhaps.

Why don't you try going to church for a few weeks, may need to if you decide to go ahead, and it will gove you time to see if it's something you w ant to do.

Good luck x
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yeah my boyfriend has left the decision up too me as he wont take no part in it, he is a christian but doesnt believe in religion. I would like to get my baby christened as I am a catholic and would like to think I have done the best by him. I will look into it further once he is here lol

so what age do you get a baby christened at?
I was christened when I was very tiny, just a few weeks old. But there really is no set age. I would like my baby to be christened as soon as, but that's just my opinion. You might want to do it when your baby is a bit bigger and can bask in the attention!
I am Orthodox but i was never christened because my parents are not at all religious.
I want to do it for myself, i feel like i always wanted it and i will be christening my children too.

I go to Church regularly and as far as i know there is not set age/time by which the child/person has to be christened.
We are having a Naming Ceremony for Jasper, we will introduce him to everyone and explain why we picked the name that we did and celebrate his coming into the world

Then we will celebrate his right to choose whatever connection with god that he feels most appropriate (even if thats an inpercievable one ;) ) naming his two Guardians and letting him get spolit :)

I think that we get into a bit of a trap where we feel it is a Christening/Baptism type even (or similar if you are of a different set faith) or nothing. When actually there are a huge number of ways to introduce a child into the world and maybe between you and your partner you can think of something that suits you both?
We are having a Naming Ceremony for Jasper, we will introduce him to everyone and explain why we picked the name that we did and celebrate his coming into the world

Then we will celebrate his right to choose whatever connection with god that he feels most appropriate (even if thats an inpercievable one ;) ) naming his two Guardians and letting him get spolit :)

I think that we get into a bit of a trap where we feel it is a Christening/Baptism type even (or similar if you are of a different set faith) or nothing. When actually there are a huge number of ways to introduce a child into the world and maybe between you and your partner you can think of something that suits you both?

i think thats what i will do i dont want to force a religion on to my baby even though i am catholic i would rather let them decide when old enough to make their own decision.
Well if you would like any help or advice about anything we are doing a similar thing so will be going through the motions, perhaps we can share our experiences?

feel free to get in contact anyway xxx
I think naming ceremonies are the perfect solution. :)
Well if you would like any help or advice about anything we are doing a similar thing so will be going through the motions, perhaps we can share our experiences?

feel free to get in contact anyway xxx

thank you thats very nice of you i will get in touch x x
yeah defo i hadnt heard of them until i put this thread up lol

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