get out of my personal space, grrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Ok im a pretty easygoing girl, I dont get annoyed with strangers, ques, accidental bumping that kind of thing, but theres one thing that drives me absolutely insane!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

I was doing the sandwich run today, and a bloke was in the que behind me, he wqas standing so close his arm kept brushing my back and every time I moved forward a bit he moved forward aswell, I had to say something before I ended up being the sandwich!

So the next time his arm brushed my back I just turned around and said "do you mind?" in the nicest way possible, and he just shook his head and ignored me, and carried on standing way too close!!!!!!!!!!

ITS............ITS...............ITS.......RARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH :evil: !!!!

Know what I mean??
i hate it when your waiting to pay at the supermarket and the person in the que behind is right on top of you, especially as you're putting your pin in..
yeah i get sooo mad but never say anything, where on the other hand my mate Clare ALWAYS has to say something :lol:
i know i hate that so much... on buses everyone can see i'm pregnant but they still don't know.... and the new beding buses :evil: drive me fooking mad :evil: :evil:
I find that stepping back onto their toes works GGG ;)

Either that or in a loud voice, "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY BOTTOM"???

They normally keep a good distance after that one :lol:
FeeFee said:
I find that stepping back onto their toes works GGG ;)

Either that or in a loud voice, "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY BOTTOM"???

They normally keep a good distance after that one :lol:

LMAO I have to remember those, thats genius :rotfl:

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