Get Another Scan..


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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hi, bin to see midwife today at 33 weeks because at 31 i was measuring big on the fundal height chart. anyways she measured again and he's still measuring big so she's sending me for another scan. was just wondering if they normally get this wrong and what would actually happen if he is measuring big for his dates?? x
I wouldnt worry to much hun, how big are you measuring? With my first baby I was constantly 4-5cms bigger than dates from about 24 weeks on. It was never really an issue, they just prepared me to have a big baby, and he was. He was 8lb 14.5oz when born, which although large, is not excessive. I never had any extra growth scans or had to meet consultant, they just constantly measured to make sure it wasnt getting any bigger.

I dont think it becomes a major issue unless you are particularly small or baby starts measuring excessively big, in which case they might check for gestational diabetes and other growth conditions. But in any case, at worse case scenario if baby is bigger than they would like, they might just induce you early to get baby out before they grow too big. Its usually just a precautionary thing, and they are not always right, you might just have a tall baby! x
i was measuring 32 at 31 weeks and 33 at 32, don't even thing thats too bad but she said he feels quite big for me, not massive but he's fairly high up and she said theres n harm in going for a scan just to make sure. At least i get to see him again anyways!! :D :D :dance:
Don't worry at all, you may have a lot of water or baby's position may affect the size of your bump.

I was measuring big, got sent for a scan and baby was spot on average but had a lot of water.

Try not to wrry too much :hug:
was measuring 35cm at 32 weeks and didn't get a scan - grr!

Anyway at least you get to see your baby again; that's cool :cheer:
I don't read too much into the size scans at this point. Baby is all curled up so its hard for them to get accurate readings and there is a margin of error.

As to what will happen, it depends. But whatever you are told by a doctor you don't have to agree with or go along with if you don't want to. I've found my growth scan and the doctors advice to be very negative and not much help tbh. So I'm ignoring it :shakehead: :lol:

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