Gestational Hypertension / Possible early delivery / Allergies to medications =(

Thank you sweetheart I will do x got her heart scan coming up on Wednesday to and will see 'a' doctor / consultant then, fingers crossed for her, she's facing so many possible problems ready x
What a shame you have to wait another week. Does the medication seem to be working so far?
Yeah it is hun, bp has come down to a normal level again x top number is near the limits but bottom number was good :D that's something x my pulse rate was 110 but to be honest with all the stress recently I'm not surprised xxx
Had a phonecall this morning from the hospital saying there's an appointment for me with the main consultant this afternoon at 3:40pm it's mad crazy snow here but need to see the consultant really so am going to try & get there xx
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Let us know the outcome Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Sorry it's taken me so long to update, didn't leave hospital until gone 5:20, bp is up again and if it's up again on Wednesday they are doubling my medication but over all positive appointment. Met my consultant, been taken back off the injections, still have a chance at delivering naturally! And might (might) be able to breast feed! Still chances of her being early but feeling a lot more positive that we can hold on now, at least 30 weeks. They can double my meds once more after this and there is one more med they can try but they wouldn't be happy at having to do that (but if needs must they will) xx over all positive, waiting for Wednesday's scan and checking bp. Glucose in wee again so might have to bring GTT forward to 24 weeks & see a diabetes specialist but over all feeling a lot better xxx
Thanks for the update. Glad it was positive on the whole. Sounds like the doctors are being really great at working with you. Hope your bp behaves it'self on Wednesday. Do you have a machine to test your bp at home? Hugs.
Hello LYLLJellyTots!:wave:

I have just seen your thread here and felt the strong urge to write to you. This is something at the back of my mind too. To cut a long story short I have problems with my blood pressure and heart rate at the moment too (I have a heart condition which meant I had to take beta blockers for many years but came off them since ttc without problems). I am monitoring my bp and heart rate and all my docs are watching this though they have said it is ok so far for tri1 but if it goes up I have to start taking beta blockers again and my mum also had pre-eclampsia with both me and my sister. I am sorry to ramble on but I was just wondering what bp do you have? My pulse is also around 105. I am in close contact with a homeopathic doc who has helped me come off the beta blockers without problems and now she is working with me on getting the bp down. I just wanted to say thankyou for your story – it helps me relax a little and also wish you tones of luck hun that all will go well. Thank you also for letting me know what your bp is (if you want to) XXXX

Ps. sorry if this thread is abit jumpy - hormones are still talking more than the brain is!!!!:oooo:
Hi bunny sorry it's taken me so long to reply had a bad experience at my scan (basically felt very let down by the hospital) and had a bit of a wobble this week, am okay again now though. Bp is up again today a bit and protein +1. Gotta go back on Monday to see the consultant again x Not got a home monitor hun as they've told me they're not fantastically accurate and it could stress me more than help me, but, I might look into one hun x how are you? Okay I hope xx

Heya 5elements, thanks for your reply to my thread hun, I am really glad they are monitoring you so well and keeping a close eye on you x if you are worried at all go and get checked x my mum has pre ecclamsia with all 3 of us (my bro & sister too) so there's a strong family history but it tends to just be hypertension with me thankfully x Celery naturally lowers bp hun and avoiding salt & caffeine helps too <3 I hope your homeopathic doctor helps you lots hun & that things go really well for you xxx please keep me updated xx I am glad my story has helped you a little, writing things out helps me look at things properly and if any of you ever need to talk please feel free to inbox me <3 xx my bp was 168/88 when I was put on nifedipine it's 135/95 today xxx that's not too bad for me at all though tbh, with my DS it was 200(ish) over 120 at times, it's just started a lot earlier this time xx hugs
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Thanks for the update LYLLJellyTots. Sorry about your bad experience at the scan. Hope the results were fine and it was just doctors/nurses being stupid.

I've been really good thanks. We have decided to go for another private scan next week to check things are still fine with the placenta etc but it was looking good at the scan I had at 18 weeks and I've not developed any new problems. My bump seems to have gotten huge all of a sudden and I'm waddling like a duck already but I've been feeling really well for the last month which is so nice after all that miserable morning sickness, not to mention that it's nice to be more active after I was taken off rest. Bp has been behaving itself I'm glad to say, well it's a little on the high side as always but hasn't gone up yet which is what I was scared of. We have a friend who sells medical equipment to hospitals so we asked about bp machines and he recommended a brand to get he said they are the same ones the docs use(can't remember the brand off hand but will check later if you are interested). It's the type that goes on the arm, not the wrist cuff type which he said are not very accurate. So far it seems to be good and I like being able to check on my bp myself. You have to do it right or you can get a false reading but it's not that complicated to get the hang of.
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