Gestational Diabetes


May 14, 2007
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I have just been told I have gestational diabetes (after GTT)
I cant see the specialist until next thursday so I was wondering if any one else has this condition and what it means for the rest of my pregnancy...Thanks for any advice.
Ive just got back from my GTT and havent got the results back, but was told the condition is generally managable controlled with diet, or if that doesnt work then they would out me on tablets.
And the baby would be monitored by the MW closely and with growth scans and if the baby was too big or becoming poorly from the diabetes then they would probably induce early.

And it clears up soon after the baby is born
It depends how severe the diabetes is. Some mild forms are easily managed by diet but sometimes no matter how strict you are with diet the diabetes is too hard to control and blood sugars are still too high. In this instance they put you on insulin injections which you have to admisnister yourself (not in the stomach as is normal in non pregnant patients but in the top part of your leg via an insulin pen) Insulin is admistered by yourself on a sliding scale in relation to your blood sugar measurements which you also check yourself several times a day using a finger prick test kit. I had to do all this in my last pregnancy and the diabetic nurse was so helpful and supportive and always on call any time of day. You are also strictly monitored not only by your midwife and consultant but also a specialist in diabetes. The object is to get your diabetes under control as quickly as possible either by diet or insulin because the sooner your body gives normal blood glucose measurements the better it will be for the baby because glucose makes the baby grow very big and insulin itself is a growth hormone and a big baby is not necessarily a healthy baby especially if it is big owing to diabetes. It is not just a case of the baby being too being to be delivered vaginally if it was just a case of a c-section it would not be taken so seriously. Gestational diabetes can have a very serious impact on the baby's health. My daughter had to be delivered by section at 36 weeks because growth scans showed her to be 10lbs! When she was born she was in a diabetic coma due to her being used to having a high level of insulin in her system because of my injections. When she was delivered that insulin level stayed high but because she was not receiving my high blood sugar levels (via placenta) her blood glucose plumeted and sent her into the coma. She also had respiratory problems because her lungs were immature in addition she had no sucking reflex and could not feed. I got very upset because she nearly filled the incubator in the special care unit (she was actually 8lb6oz at birth not 10lbs) and of course all the other prem babies were so tiny and I heard several visitors saying "what's wrong with that one it looks a big healthy baby!" However, I don't want to alarm anyone and I have to say that the special care staff were very efficient and used to babies with these symptoms and she was out of the incubator and breathing on her own with normal blood sugar results in only 2 days. It took a little longer to sort out her feeding and she ended up with a bit of jaundice too (very common in any newborn) Within 10 days we were taking her home. I did have to leave hospital after 5 days and go home myself though without her which was very hard because there were no beds available for me to stay. But she is now 9 years old and the picture of health and has had no serious health problems since. Saying all this G Diabetes is manageble and although a little scary at first (the idea of sticking needles into myself terrified me and the first time I did it under supervision it took me about 10 minutes to psych myself up to do it- the nurse was so patient she deserved a medal!) you very soon get used to it. You have to be very strict about the times of your meals and you must not miss any - this was hard for me too because I have always been an erratic eater. If you have G Diabetes I would say take it easy, rest a lot, eat sensibly - lots of slow release carbohydrates, avoid processed food and stick to whole grains, fruit and protein. Avoid sugar in any form and be careful with dairy (lactulose is a sugar in milk products) Also bananas are not so good. Do what you are told by the diabetic nurse to the letter and take comfort that in about 99% of women the condition disappears completely as soon as the placenta is delivered. Aim to get your blood sugars under control ASAP for the baby's well being and you and babe should be fine. Above all do not be afraid it is a fairly common condition of pregnancy and there has been a lot of research in how to manage it both pre and postnatally for the baby. Oh and get as much info as you can about it this dispells fear and gives you back some control. If you get the blood sugars under control and the babe does not get too big there is no reason why you would need a c-section or be induced too early but if this does happen you can get through it too without too much trauma. If you want to talk some more I would be only too happy to help in any way I can. BUT don't worry -wait and see how you go with your special diet first of all it might be all you need and with this you will not have too many complications with the baby at birth either. An interesting link is below:[/url]
Im kidding it was a good post! I was reading for mjy benefit incase i turn out to get it as well!
Thank you for your replies, I must admit I am a little scared...I am just going to wait til thursday and see what the specialist says. They have already hinted that I might go straight onto insulin because of other complications I already have (I take Clexane injections every day) but at the moment I am just trying to eat a more balanced and regular diet until they give me my 'rules' (something I am not normally good at either - I too am an erratic eater!)

Thanks again for your help,
:( Try not to worry JA9. If you are used to the clexane injections the insulin is no worse in fact you won't get the bruising as much and if you do go on to insulin immediately it only means you will be in control of your blood sugars sooner. I struggled with diet control for a few weeks before I was put on insulin and because of this lost valuable control time. As I said it is managable and you will just have to be kept an eye on - you will have 5 star treatment. A tip to help you remember your meal times is to set the alarm on your mobile to go off to remind you. Snacks are important now too - it is hard to eat between meals but you need snacks - fruit is good and wholemeal sandwiches (White bread is a no no)and cereal too. Keep your blood sugar levels as normal and as constant as you can. Also get lots of fuss from everyone around you - my husband was so worried he did everything for me- bless him! I just sat there like the blinking queen! And SLOW DOWN - pack in work if you are still working - you can be signed off sick with GD. Poor you! what with the clexane and all you sound like your pregnancy is as interesting as my 1st one was. You will get though it and the best bit is - you haven't long to put up with it all. let us know how you get on. You do need to get good professional advice ASAP though.
mrs_tommo22 I hope you have promising results from you GTT too. Let us know. Can't stop thinking about you both now because I remember how scared I was but like most things in life we find a way to deal with these things and looking back you realise there was no need to be so afraid really. :wink:
Hi Peachy,
Thanks for your post it did make me feel better :)
Will let you know how it goes on Thursday.
Thanks again,
Well ive not heard anything and she did say if it was serious they would ring back that day.So i have come to the conclusion im fine.
I told the MW it was because i was a fat *******! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Peachy is a old pro at this :cheer: please sont hit me for saying old.I didnt mean it in age terms

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