Georgia Margaret - birth story


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2010
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Sorry it's taken a while to post this, but finally getting round to coming on here.

Thursday 30th September
Had really itchy hands and feet so midwife sent me to hospital for a blood test, at 4pm they confirmed abnormal liver function and said it was Obstetric Cholestasis and that they would induce me. I was admitted to the maternity ward for monitoring and they confirmed Pickle was ok.

At 10pm they decided to move me to the labour ward (after the heat in the maternity ward, the air conditioning was lovely) to be induced sooner rather than later and at 11pm they tried the first gel.

Friday 30th September
First gel didn't work so they tried a sweep and another gel at 6am. This started things and at 2pm I was 2cm dilated and they broke my waters. It felt like a bit of a relief for a while but then the contractions started properly. OH put my TENS on me and helped me to concentrate on breathing.

At 4pm they moved me to the delivery room as I was 4cm dilated.

The contractions then stepped up again so I started on gas and air, it was lovely apart from making me a little sick, threw up over OH and apparently was so appologetic about it. Other than that, things just carried on in the same way.

At 6pm I was examined and hadn't progressed any more and so they discussed the option of speeding things up with a drip, they advised an epidural as it would become more painful. The anaesthatist was in surgery so I had to wait.

At 7.30 the anaesthatist came in and discussed the epidural, I needed the loo and so asked if there was time for me to wee. Went to the loo and was glad OH was with me, I felt massive pressure and an overwhelming urge to push, OH called in the midwife (she was a student and was lovely), between then they half carried, half dragged me back to the room, the anaesthatist was still waiting when the midwife sent him away, I was fully dilated and baby was crowning.

On my next contraction, I pushed and her head came out, then next one her body followed. She arrived at 7.50pm, just 20 minutes after the anaesthatist arrived.

Baby was placed on me for skin to skin and OH burst into tears, he was so overwhelmed that they had to ask him to tell me that baby was a girl.

Our beautiful little girl weighed in at 6lb 7oz and had a full head of dark hair, she took to breastfeeding straight away, we named her Georgia and we couldn't be happier!
Lovely story, congrats on a healthy new arrival :eek:) xx
Awwww thats such a touching story!!

Really glad you managed to avoid the epi

massive congrats!!

Aww congratulations :) lovely story xx
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Ah congrats! Was wondering how things went for you, I didn't know you had a little girl, one day before me!
What a lovely birth story (minus the reason for inducing :( and the throwing up on OH :lol: ) congrats on your baby girl :)
Congratulations hun xxxx

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congrats! very quick at the end, thats great! :)

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