general questions


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi girls,
I really love this forum so much, and whenevr i have time, i come and ask loads of questions all at once LOL.
Any way I am a bit curious about ur routines as I don't know much women with babies.
here it goes,
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?
2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!
3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?
Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches :(
maldives said:
Hi girls,
I really love this forum so much, and whenevr i have time, i come and ask loads of questions all at once LOL.
Any way I am a bit curious about ur routines as I don't know much women with babies.
here it goes,
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?

Nursery - she goes down at 7.30pm no fuss no problem. I leave her cooing at SheCow on her mobile telling him all about her day and by the time I've got downstairs and put the monitor on she's dead to the world. I don't check on her ever. She's so loud you can't miss her if she wakes - which she does occasionally in the night but now by the time I've got to her she has her whole fist in her mouth and is asleep again :roll:

maldives said:
2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!

Connie will only go in her Kick and Play bouncer on her own for about 5 minutes, she needs constant stimulation (she's one of 'those babies' as the HV put it :roll: ) so either me or OH or inlaws tend to entertain her. She loves peekaboo, blowing in her face, songs and (for some unknown reason) muslins being chucked on her face. That's her favourite thing currently, she laughs and laughs.

maldives said:
3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?

Yeah you want to be establishing the difference between day and night asap. Daytime feeds and naps are done with noise and telly and so on (which now means she sleeps through anything including FIL doing the decorating in the room in which she was sleeping last night) and at night time everything's quiet and dim. She still used to try and grin at me at 2am when she was still feeding then but she'd go back off fine cos she knew it was night. Actually she's been very good with day/night and I think that's why she's now sleeping through. She's been in her cot since 8 weeks in her own room though which I think helps, and she's never had an issue with that.

maldives said:
Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches :(

Don't do it then. We don't. We have the inlaws looking after her occasionally but even then MIL occasionally messes up the feed etc and it drives me bonkers cos I'm such an organised type of person. To be honest when they babysit at night I don't worry as Connie never wakes up after 7.30pm so they're basically just sitting there in the house watching telly. MIL admits to checking on Connie to check she's breathing every hour though :roll:
Evie sleeps in her cot in my bedroom. I only have a one bed flat and if I had a two bed flat I would put her in her own room TBH. She wakes up in the morning and plays in her cot for about 30 minutes before geting bored and whinging at me. I like it as it allows me to get dressed/make the bed etc before her first bottle.
On the other hand, she does sleep through- I found if I kept her awake more in the day then she slept better at night. We also use a sleep clue. 'Sleep Clues'
I have only left Evie ith my mum/MIL but I have never needed any other baysitter. I don't think I could leave her with anyone else for another few months- she is still tiny! If you have to leave LO with a babysitter make sure it's someone who you trust (I alway wonder if my mum is doing things 'right' as well though :wink: ) :lol:
Emms has been in her own room since 3 months and has slept a lot better there. I check her in the morning when I wake up, but I dont get up in the night to do so, but Emms doesnt go down to sleep until about 11pm. I have tried an evening routine, but Emms is so awake, she just wont usually settle much earlier than 11 although will often have an early evening nap for half an hour. I cant grumble though as she does sleep through the night until about 8 or 9am usually. I think I will just wait until she naturally gets more sleepy in the evening or until she is old enough to try controlled crying!

By 3 months Emms was much more alert and so she enjoyed being on a playmat with the toys dangling from arches or being in her bouncer chair with dangling toys in front. She also likes playing with toys (waving them or stuffing in her mouth!!) I do leave her to play on her own more now, but often I play with her and I have to monitor her quite closely at the moment as she is rolling so much!

I havent left Emms with anyone other than my sister yet, but in the next few weeks she is going to the childminders for 3 days a week. We are doing a trial first to get her used to it. Bit scary for me but has to be done.
maldives said:
Hi girls,
I really love this forum so much, and whenevr i have time, i come and ask loads of questions all at once LOL.
Any way I am a bit curious about ur routines as I don't know much women with babies.
here it goes,
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?
2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!
3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?
Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches :(

1 - In our room. In moses basket for first 6 weeks then into his cot :) Will be in with us till at least 6 months old. I check on him if I wake in the night, but don't purposely wake myself. Did this from the beginning.

2 - Our LO is brilliant and is quite content in his cot anyways. Same in his basket. He has a mobile and thats it atm. If he wakes up in the morning he just lies there quietly making noises to it. We never go straight to him the moment he wakes up (unless he wakes screaming which is very unusual) just let him have 10-15 minutes to himself so he is used to being in there on his own and is relaxed with it all. We've never played with him in his cot as I believe its for sleeping and not playing. Babies learn by association as they get older so we started how we mean to go on.

3 - Defo establish a day night routine. At night we don't talk to LOor make noise and keep lights very dim. I always feed in darkness more or less. A tiny glow to see what I am doing. I also never make eye contact with LO in the night when waking for a feed or change. We also put him in his cot after his bedtime feed and then leave him. We don't stay and fuss or give attention as it just stops him going off to sleep. He is always happy to go in his cot and has his mobile and is usually asleep within 15 minutes :)

4 - Yes. Not for long but an hour or so. I BF so don't have those worries you do. TBH if she can read she should get the measurment right for a feed. Its not rocket science.

My LO has been in his nursery since he was 3 months (1month corrected). Very sinfuly we let him sleep on his front because he always did in hospital (for 6 weeks) and so never happily slept on his back even when swaddled. We have a sensor pad under his mattress which detects his breathing and alarms if no movement is detected after 20 seconds. This keeps our mind at rest and means we rarely go in to check on him as we can see a little green light flashing as he breaths on the monitor.

Since he has been aware enough to play we do let him entertain himself a bit and tend to let him play in his cot for 10 mins when he first wakes up, unless it is for a feed at night. I'm sure this is good practice for when he is a toddler and older so he doesn't demand attention as soon as he wakes. Also with number two on the way now. Austin happiy gurgles away to his peter rabit or mobile. Also happily sits in his bouncy chair for 15 mins or so during the day when I need to get things done and his Bumbo chair has been great to put him in when I am making up feeds etc... Obviously the rest of the time I'm in his face singing or playing so I'm sure he welcomes the break from me too! (A playgym is also a sound investment for play development if you don't already have one)

With regards to day and night I would definetly recommend making a clear difference. Lots of talking and opening curtains during the day and limited eye contact, quiet, calm and dim during the night. This will help to teach LO the difference between day and night and hopefuly you will soon notice the night wakings spreading out less.

Finaly, in terms of leaving LO with sitters you have to do it when you are ready. I only let my Mum sit Austin and this is only after seeing how very capable she is with him. She has an incredible sense for knowing what he needs and doesn't interfere too much with him when he's sleeping. Does have an annoying habit of giving him his dummy in his cot which is a no dummy zone as far as I am concerned but I am sure it doesn't hurt on the odd occasion. Your LO is still young and I know many parents who wouldn't let someone sit for their kids until they were at least a year old. You'll know when you feel ready but I'd say a good rule of thumb is to do it when you reckon you will be able to enjoy the night out and not be spending it worry about LO as it sort of defeats the purpose.

Anyway, that's my big fat 2 pence worth. Hope some of it is useful.

Keep in touch
b XX X
debecca said:
Jade&Evie said:
Sherlock said:
Its not rocket science.

:talkhand: I beg to differ- it took me weeks to be confident with formula! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Have to agree with Jade here. It's harder than wopping a boob out :rotfl:

lol I never found it a problem when I was nannying. I guess it can be strange if you've never used it before.

maldives, why can't you make up a feed if its going to be used in the next couple of hours. Or use a carton. That way it can't go wrong.
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?
My LO has always slept in her nursery from day one, but I used to sleep in there too up to 6 months as there was a spare bed in there. We've chucked the spare bed out now.

2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!
A mixture of both.

3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?
We used to keep the lights dim when LO woke in the night, that way she knows it's nightime. During the day, we make it as light as possible so she can distinguish between the two.

4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches
No, I've only ever left LO with my parents or in-laws, even then I was worried that they wouldn't do things "correctly", if you know what I mean!
maldives said:
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?

Cally sleeps in bed with me. She usually falls asleep by 7.30 - 8pm and she goes into her crib, then when she wakes for a feed she comes in with me. When the girl's room is finished Cally will be going into her cot in there but if she wakes she will come into bed with me. Thats what we did with Seren and it worked just great.

maldives said:
2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!

Not sure if you mean day or night. During the day when she was awake at 3-4 months she would either be on her playgym, in her bouncy chair or on me. She was happy toplay by herslef for a little while but preferred it when she was involved with what me and Seren were doing. We tend to go out everyday so that occupied her. In the morning when she wakes up she will usually play by herself for a little while in my bed (I usually wake up to Seren singing with Cally lol)

maldives said:
3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?

Now I have the hang of boobyfeeding I barely wake, just rouse enough to hoik up top and help Cally latch on themn I fall asleep again. We don't switch on any lights and I don't talk to her but then she is just rousing herself so she probably falls asleep straight after too.

maldives said:
Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches :(

We have only really left the girls with MIL as she knows how I do things. Saying that Seren was in nursery for 2 days a week when I was working from 5 1/2 months onwards. I spent a lot of time with her keyworker and did trust her and her other keyworkers. If I didn't I wouldn't have left her tbh.
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?
He sleeps in his nursery now, in the moses basket...
Since we put him in his own room hes slep all night without waking up
He sleeps from 5pm-7am usually and naps in the day
We have one of those sensor alarms and a video monitor so we can check him on that but occasionally go in

2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!
Play with him... On his bouncy chair, or his play mats

3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?
I say keep it light in the day and dark at night
Thats what we do and it seems to work...

Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches :(

No only once with my mum over night and once looking after him in our house
When i went to the match the other night Lees little sister just sat in the house but he was alseep and didnt wake up
Hi girls,
Thanx for the replies, i feel better now knowing ur experiences so i reconsider what im doing atm.
i will try establish the day/night time routine for sure now,
about the formula and measurments. thanx sherlock i guess i could find a way to make up the formula and make it ready in case.
but yeah it take me time to make sure i am doing it correctly lol.
im not feeling so well today so i can't stay long here now, need to go have a nap before LO wakes again.
i'll catch up with u girls in the evening
:hug: glad you are feeling better :D

Are you still out in the middle east or are you back now- I could do with some middle east weather right now!

I measure my powder out into powder dispensers. maybe you could do that? or ask the babysitter to show you how she does it? :)
debecca said:
Jade&Evie said:
Sherlock said:
Its not rocket science.

:talkhand: I beg to differ- it took me weeks to be confident with formula! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Have to agree with Jade here. It's harder than wopping a boob out :rotfl:

LOL too right it is! I wouldnt know where to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz??
Grrrr that was Luke.... I meant to say:

LOL too right it is! I wouldnt know where to start with bottles! :oops:
DebbieM said:

Totally OT but how in the heck did he manage to find these symbols? Debs... you have a boy genius on your hands! :rotfl:
I honestly don't know! Even I don't know where they are! I'm more amazed that he managed to hit "return" in order to actually post it too!
1- where does ur LO sleep? in ur bedroom or nursery? if bedroom for how long? if nursery how often do u check on him?

he sleeps in moses basket beside our bed, he's quite a deep breather so we can always hear that he's awake! :lol: we just get up to tend to him for feed/change when he cries.

2- at around 3-4 months old when he's awake. do u let him play in his cot by himself? or do u always play with him?!

Riley's only just coming up 1 month :) don't have this issue yet!

3- my LO sleeps for 2 hours, 3 at max then wakes up for an hour or less then sleeps again so most of the time i keep the room dim is this right or shall i establish a day/night time routine?

Yeah my LO does pretty much the same thing! He will sleep for 2 or 3 hours, wake up for change/feed and go back to sleep (sometimes :lol: ) We are just leaving him to try and settle into his own wee routine....hopefully it starts soon.....make up can't hide these bags under my eyes much longer!!! :lol: they are huuuuge!!

Last and most important I guess
4- have u ever left ur LO with a baby sitter other than a relative? if yes do u 100% trust her? I have to leave my LO with a babysitter who is experience but, I keep worrying all the time (what if she didn't measure the formula correctly? what if she did this or that? is this normal? i just wish i could stop worrying as it really gives me hard time and headaches

not yet.....but we are leaving him with my mum for a few hours on sat night :eek: IM SCARED!!! it's not that I think anything will happen, but I'm just super paranoid and don't like being away from my wee man :( (even if he does scream bloody murder at nighttimes!)
We make up all the bottles in morning/last thing at night, so there are always several ready to be warmed when ready.

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