Gender scan or no gender scan?

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Have booked a "detailed anomaly scan" with a private clinic in Dublin for next week. Gender determination is an option. Personally I'm all for it. I would love to tell my DD whether she's getting a sister or a brother and it might help seeing as the possibility of a brother is not even being considered at the moment (boys are silly, apparently).
HOWEVER - OH is completely opposed to the idea. Whenever I bring it up he says " What's wrong with having a surprise? Why make the event an anticlimax?"

HUH???? Anticlimax? Having the second child you longed for for so long when you thought you wouldn't have another one?

Anyway, then OH usually sighs and says, "ok, we'll have a gender scan," really grudgingly, and then I feel like a heel. So I generally say "let's decide again sometime when we aren't going to argue over it, we're both tired."

SO it's a circular discussion.

Sigh. How to get around this....

I cant help neither of us wanted to know - I love surprises, but if you want to know go for it - your DH wont care once he knows anyway
At first DH and i were sure that we wanted to know the sex. But as my annomoly scan approached i totally changed my mind and decided that i'd rather wait and have the surprise at the end. I'm really looking forward to finding out and making the announcment to family and friends. My DH wanted to find out but was fine about staying team green. Good luck deciding.
Flip a coin.

You want it.

He doesn't.

Flip a coin.

If you don't like the decision the coin made, which one of you is going to argue with the coin? :lol:

Sorry if it's not much help but it's one way to come to a decision! :D
Ah yes, the really impartial decision makers. Actually that's not a bad suggestion about the coin.

Bit sorry I posted this now. Feel silly.

:oops: :(

We didn't wait to find out with Olivia which I really regretted, when I gave birth to her the midwife enthusiasticly said "It's a gir!"

And I was like well yeah i know, and I felt it took the magic away.

This time I am not finding out and it will help me get through those contractions wondering who I went all through this for, girl or boy im not botherd you get what you get, but I would love for Paul to be the one to tell me when he/she arrives :D
Tasha20 said:
We didn't wait to find out with Olivia which I really regretted, when I gave birth to her the midwife enthusiasticly said "It's a gir!"

And I was like well yeah i know, and I felt it took the magic away.

This time I am not finding out and it will help me get through those contractions wondering who I went all through this for, girl or boy im not botherd you get what you get, but I would love for Paul to be the one to tell me when he/she arrives :D

I've been in two minds for a while but DH is determined we should wait to find out. After reading your post Tasha, I'm now 100% about not finding out. I think after 40-ish weeks of pregnancy it would be nice to have something really good t olook forward to. So not only will I get to hold my baby for the first time but I get to find out if it's a girl or boy.
i have got to find out.. i dont know why, i just cant wait until i'm full term..

i want 2 b prepared (with clothes, bedding etc - i dont want everything in cream and white)

and also it'll be easier just thinking of the 1 name instead of 2..

i think 5 months is enough of a surprise haha.. but i understand it would be a nice feeling for your partner to tell you what it is when the baby is born :)

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