gender scan is booked !

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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cant wait ! 22 days to go and ill find out what bean is , and i finally get to see baby , looking like a baby , as some of u know , my last scan was at 9 weeks and i didnt get a 12 week one , and at 9 , it looks well bake bean shaped lmao

cant beleive after all my nhs contributions i still have to go private to find what sex bubba is tho :evil:

edit , sorry the date is 29th sept lmao
Awww that will be exciting.

It's unfair that you have to pay for it though when some other people get it for free :(
Sadly i'll have to pay for mine too! But at the end of the day I guess the money is worth it to see your baby again and find out. I also bet you'll think it was worth all that nausea in first tri Gem? :hug:
they can tell gender by 16 weeks , ill be 16+5 :cheer:

and what u on about 1st tri nausa , ive had me head down toilet today lmao
think were also going to book a private gender scan as i cannot wait till 20 weeks,

good luck and i hope baby is in the right place for you to see.

Do you still have to pay if baby doesnt co-operate?
i dont know , was too scared to ask lmao , i recon as im paying for a gender scan , i should walk away with a gender for my money lmao
what company are u using? im using that baby bond ones its going to coast £75 i think. may ring them in a minute and ask lol
Before i knew that my hospital told me the sex of the baby - I phoned BabyBond to book an appointment and was told that we would have to pay for the scan even if they could not tell.

That's why they recommend that you get it as late on as you can between 16 and 24 weeks :D but you should be able to tell :)
We booked a BabyBond scan about 3 weeks ago now. It's another dating/reassurance scan but we booked it..

1) Because the NHS one at 12 weeks wasn't good enough - as in they didn't give us enough time.
2) I can't wait to see Flump til 20 weeks!!

Our scan is on Friday 21st September. I'll be 15 weeks and 4 days by then.


Glad you got yours booked Gem! Although.....

Since we're preggy twins does it mean that whatever you're going to find out os going to apply to me too? HAHA

I have said to Matt that I reckon one of us will have a boy and one will have a girl just so we're not twins to the end.. but who knows!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I reckon girl for you anyway!
I had an emergency scan at 15weeks +3...and it was pretty obvious then that it was a little boy, with dangly bits between his legs.. :rotfl:

So are we expecting another little girl then??? :rotfl:

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