gender scan today


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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well I have my gender scan tonight at ten to 9 at baby bond in Stretford has anyone ever been there and is it any good?
Wow! That's a late one but how bloody exciting! :) good luck and be sure to update us on your flavour!!

In answer to your question, I haven't been there. Sorry
Hope your scan went well hun :) and you managed to find out whether your pink or blue :) x x
Im team ..... BLUE!

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:yay: Congratulations on team blue hun! :D You'll have two little boys and I'll have two little girls! :D x x
Aw congrats on team blue, have mine in a week with baby bond hoping im team blue, was it worth the money? And did you get any pics or anything, sorry for the questions just want to know what to expect xx
Nopes, it wasnt worth the money

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It was nice seeing sib , I think it was the Sonographer which was abit horrible and hardly gimme anytime with sib :(x

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Yeh I had my gender scan at baby bond and the appointments are only like 10 minutes or so for a gender scan so its kind of like "Hi..It's A ?..Bye" Lol In and back out. Unless they can't see and they tell u 2 go and come back. Altho I must say I am thinking of booking another 1 just 2 b extra sure they got it right b4 I buy anythin lol xxxx
I had a gender scan and a full 4D growth scan at Babybond in Stretford and I was happy with what we got overall. The sonographer I had was highly qualified, I think she was actually a doctor and she was fab. I informed her of my previous complicated pregnancy and she really checked baby well for me. I needed the reassurance. They let me have it at 31 weeks too, which they normally don't advise but because of my circumstances they were fine with that. They don't let to do the 4D ones past 28 weeks normally. My first appt I was kept waiting but it was because they found an unexpected twin on a scan that morning which took much longer than they anticipated. My second scan was very through and wasn't kept waiting at all. I always booked in on a Saturday. Xxxx
Congratulations on team blue! Sorry to hear u didnt think it was worth the money, but at least you got to see ur lo again even for a short while!

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