Gender preference

Will definitely be finding out! I have the strongest feeling we're team blue!
I don't mind either way but I've always liked the idea of having an older boy with a younger sister xxx
I wanted a little boy 1st and he was :)

This time i'd of liked to experience a pink bundle, but as we know we want more children & only currently rent a 2 bed and wouldnt be buying a 3 bed for many years (kept all of Noahs stuff too) we new a blue bundle would be more practical.

And its indeed another boy lol!
Im not dissapointed and still was very happy with knowing Noah was having a little brother.

If it was my last baby I may of felt a bit different with not ever experiencing having a daughter, I adore the relationship between myself and my mother.

Maybe no3 will be pink :)
I have a baby niece due a week before little Charlie bump so she will keep me going with all the floral and pink purchases lol xx
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I would like a girl, my husband would like a boy. Ideally we both would like one of each. I need to get pregnant and manage to hold on to one first though! My husband has always wanted two children, a boy and a girl. I've always wanted three although I'm now accepting that isn't going to happen as we are having such difficulty with having a first.
I think I'd like a girl but I feel like it will be a boy.. I will be totally happy either way, my oh would like a son but is convinced it's a girl.. :) x
OH wants another boy. Jackson wants a sister. Id have either. We are all even here lol.


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