Gender predictor according to ancient chinese chart


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Chinese Gender Predictor
Predict the sex of your baby!
The Chinese Baby Gender Predictor was discovered in a royal tomb about 700 years ago, the original of which is now kept in the Institute of Science at Peking.

The accuracy of the chinese gender predictor chart is quite high for Chinese women according to a survey in hospitals. It has been found that the accuracy rate of this prediction is around 70%!

just go to this link:
This is brilliant!!

I've tried it with loads of previous births in the family and they are ALL correct!

Spooky. You have to try it. According to the chart, we're gonna have a girl! Hoorah! No football!

triedit before & it says this time i am having a girl?

didnt ask at the 22 wk scan, so watch this space!!! :?: :?:
im not sure if i was 31 or 32 when conception occured as it was around my birthday when it must happened. :oops:

but if was 32 im having a BOY
and if i was 31 im having a BOY

oh well it looks like im having a boy.

lets see if they got my other three right

emily - predicted a female but same as this one i may have been 23 not 22.
Rebekah - predicted a female
Bethany - predicted a female

so all in all itsquite accurate. Ill see what pops out in october :D
Its got male for me..i will let you know on the 13th of june if it was right or not :D
What does it mean by this....

18 to 31 Chinese lunar years (Approx 2 years older than your normal age)

Do you have to add two years on to your age then?
Hehe... according to the chart, I'm supposed to have a boy. On the other hand, it also says that my sister and I were supposed to be boys, too! ;)
This one says we are having a girl.....which we are!! I did loads of these before we found out though and they were all different, came out at about 50/50!!!
It said I was having a boy but i looked at it for my son and it said he should have been a girl! :shock: ... lendar.htm
try this link it workes out right for all my family and it said im having a girl! so ill belive it for a while :D
i paid a pound on ebay aswell you send her your birthday and month of conception and she said a girl! i would love to have a girl but dont mind either was my OH and son want a boy.
but try this its good
Tried yours cab the results i got were

My first daughter should have been a boy :shock:
My second daughter was correct :D
This one should be a boy :dance: :dance: :D :dance: :dance:

Time will tell xx
oooo... according to that one its going to be a girl. who nkows,

i might not be anything until after todays scan :(
well going by the last one i should have been a boy as my birthday is Feb but my mum said i wasn't actually due till March which meant it would have been right Woo Hoo lol

It works out that my sister should have been a boy :think:

But for all of my sisters kids (3 girls 1 boy) it got it right every time lol
it was right for my 2 girls and my boy, so this time it says i am having another girl!! :dance:

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