Gender feelings?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Anyone else convinced about the sex of their baby? I'm only 7+3 but until the sonographer tells me otherwise... I think it's a boy. I'm so convinced I've bet my hubby £100 I'm right, which will go in babies piggy bank.
Anyone had a gut feeling and be right? Xxx
Gut feeling and was wrong! From the day I found out I was sure it was a boy, we'd picked the name. 70% of gut feelings are correct though apparently!
I was right, my thoughts were mainly based on something I heard/read years ago saying veggies were more likely to have girls. No idea if there's any truth in it but it stayed in my nind
I had a feeling from the start my 1st one was a little boy, after id given birth, I forgot to actually ask if it was boy/girl cos I was just assuming it was a boy. This time however I have no feelings at all which feels weird xx
I'm 99% certain I'm having a boy, and if I was brave enough I'd go and buy all blue stuff I feel
That convinced
I was convinced I was having a boy...I was wrong x
I think if the sonographer says girl I'll make her check her again haha. I have no superstitious or like anything I've heard reason to think it's a boy but just a feeling. I can't wait to find out xxx
Initially I thought boy but now I'm thinking girl lol xx
From 30 weeks ish with baby 1 I thought girl, and would have been surprised at the birth if hubby had said otherwise (she was!). This time I'm 38 weeks and can't decide, although am leaning more towards boy. But then this pregnancy has been more awkward and people keep saying "oh it must be a boy then"!
I was convinced with my 1st he was a boy, and he was. This time I'm thinking girl as this one is a lot different. Either that or there's more then 1 in there!
With my last one I was absolutely convinced I was having a boy... was wrong lol. Scan showed girl (and it was right).

This time I have no idea. Although I only picture the baby as a girl (like in dreams/daydreams etc lol) but I have no really strong conviction either way and I really don't mind.

My daughter is 9 and would much prefer a girl, but my eldest wants a boy. I kind of want a boy more than a girl, and my friend is due two weeks after me and has 3 boys already and really wants her baby to be a girl, so I just have it in my head that I'm having a girl and she's going to have a 4th boy (as that'd just be Sod's Law and really awkward LOL)

Really, I don't mind what the baby is and will be just as happy with a girl, but I will feel really bad if I have a girl and my friend has (another) boy lol.
I KNEW with my first two- and was right with them both. This one I have that same deep "knowing" feeling- time will tell!
Like I say my feeling is big, but Phoenix it's funny you should mention dreams actually because all I've dreamt about is a little girl, maybe I have no idea and my feeling is totally wrong lol xxx
We left it as a surprise last time but I thought I was having a girl (and was right)
This time I'm convinced it's a girl again - mainly because I ovulated later than I thought and so it would have been a bit of a gap between dtd and ovulation, and 'girl ' swimmers are supposed to last longer lol. I would be thrilled either way though! Xxx
I thought my first was a boy - found out she was a girl at the 20w scan.

This pregnancy is a mirror image of my last one, so I'm leaning towards girl again but I could be totally wrong I have zero gut feeling about it! Xx
Las time we were team yellow... We were sure it was a boy to the point that if they had said it was a girl I would've passed out lol they told me it's a boy and I said "I know" lol

This time k was sure it was a girl and scan said girl :)

Bloody hope it's a girl because of its a boy it better like pink clothes lol
I do admire the ladies that can wait. I really wanted to wait until I gave birth to find out but the more time goes on the more I don't really want to wait as I'm so inpatient. But at the same time I think it would be lovely to find out at the birth. I hope on the day of the 20 week scan I can be strong in my resolve to wait.... But I'm so impatient I really don't think I'll be able too. And hubby is the same we go from finding out to waiting every time we discuss it. Xx
We've been convinced we'll have a girl since we met :shock:
We were team yellow with our first two and will be again this time, it's so magical when you push out that baby and can look and say "it's a...!!"

That said I'm team yellow cause I WANT to be! There's no moral superiority to waiting to find out. Just do what makes you happiest.

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