Gender - Anyone else have a 'feeling'?

ive always thought im having a girl but im not 100% certain now x I get to find out in 2 weeks - hoorah!
We were convinced I was going to be having a boy...
I had one dream ages ago, not long after BFP in which baby was a girl. Went for 20 week scan and another at 22 weeks and the sonographer was pretty sure it's a girl. she did say that a woman had been told she was having a girl, spent a fortune on pink things and actually had a boy! And at my MW appointment on wednesday, the MW told us a lady had been told she was having a boy and had a girl on tuesday! So not relying too much on the scan! x
i am convinced im carrying a girl, dj thinks boy - we will see..

9 weeks-ish till we find out! xxx

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