Gender - Anyone else have a 'feeling'?

I knew I was having a girl from the beginning. I had dreams of baby girls, and I couldn't think of any boys names. At 16 weeks we were told it was a girl and been confirmed since then that it's definitely a girl x
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Ever since finding out I was pregnant I've thought I was having a boy. I dream about it at least once a week. The last one I was as my 20 week scan and as soon as they put the thing on the belly u could see it waving its willy around lol. Everyone else is convinced I'm having a girl but I only have to wait till tomorrow as I'm having my scan so we shall see who is right!!!
Definitely had a feeling babys a girl for ages now. Won't find out for another 25 weeks but will be happy with either :)
I was nearly positive I was having a girl. I just had that 'feeling' and was so sure that I even called the baby 'she' a few times by mistake lol. I dreamt I was having a girl too and I had a scan on sat which confirmed baby is indeed a girl xxxx
I really have no idea :roll:

Wont be too long until we hopefully find out.
I was confident with boy at first but now I am clueless. Will find out one LO arrives :) xx
Ever since finding out I was pregnant I've thought I was having a boy. I dream about it at least once a week. The last one I was as my 20 week scan and as soon as they put the thing on the belly u could see it waving its willy around lol. Everyone else is convinced I'm having a girl but I only have to wait till tomorrow as I'm having my scan so we shall see who is right!!!

OMG I had a dream just like that! Ive had 4 boy dreams now and no girl dreams.
In my dream I was using my doppler to look at the baby, it was so clear and the baby was playing with his dangle! It was absolutely mad. If I find out its a boy tomorrow, i'll be a bit creeped out and think Ive got some sort of gift! xxx
I knew I was having a boy from day one too!! I wrote a thread just like this when I was about 8 weeks pregnant! Now I have an 8 week old baby boy :) xx
I'm so sure I'm having a girl. I'm not worried if I'm wrong but sure it's a girl..
Ever since finding out I was pregnant I've thought I was having a boy. I dream about it at least once a week. The last one I was as my 20 week scan and as soon as they put the thing on the belly u could see it waving its willy around lol. Everyone else is convinced I'm having a girl but I only have to wait till tomorrow as I'm having my scan so we shall see who is right!!!

OMG I had a dream just like that! Ive had 4 boy dreams now and no girl dreams.
In my dream I was using my doppler to look at the baby, it was so clear and the baby was playing with his dangle! It was absolutely mad. If I find out its a boy tomorrow, i'll be a bit creeped out and think Ive got some sort of gift! xxx

Last time I would always dream about a girl and I had a boy :)
I would have put my life on that I was having a boy, just a gut feeling. When I went for my scan the sonographer said girl, I asked if she was sure and her exact words were, "I would put my profession on it" x
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This thread is not helping my impatience for my scan tomorrow! xxx
We decided not to find out but had about 6 scans now, the last two it was hard not to see 'things' plus we saw the consultant on Monday who said 'So, you're having a boy then...' it was said in jest we think as one of babies problems; fluid on brain, is more common with boys
Not buying blue just yet though...
With my first i was convinced i was having a boy, even picked out the name at 15wks, and worst when they put the blue and the pink band on the side when i was having him i told them to take the pink one away, i was right boy. this time my gut is saying girl but my head is saying boy, everyone round me is saying girl, guess ill have to wait till the scan to find out.
well I was convinced I was having a boy, as were most other family members and friends....BUT
when I went for my private anomoly scan, it turned out to be a GIRL!!
I still dont believe it 100% as I was so sure it was a

I had a strong feeling this one was a girl, but tried not to read to much into it as I wanted a girl so much that the feeling could have been down to that. Lucky for me my feeling was right :)
For some strange reason, from Day 1, I had an inkling I was having a boy, in the end convinced myself it was a boy, was even tempted to buy blue stuff before my 20 week scan..
Also purely because my nan, while she was dying, predicted it would be a boy, a week before my scan. So I convinced myself even more!

And he is a little boy too :D.
I am 99.9% positive Im having a boy too.

I bought boys clothes, say his name all the time, look only at boys clothes and talk to my little man.

I am the only one who thinks boy (well my 5 year old nephew says boy too but thats wishful thinking we have discovered as he says if it is a girl he'll put her in the bin!!). My family all say girl. My friends say iots obvious to them that it is a girl. However, I have a boy shape bump growing so thats what cements my feeling. other than my shape I just can't explain it. When we went to my 12 week scan i turned to my OH and said "oh darling, look at her little hands waving to us" this has been the only time I thought girl.

We find out next Thursday what it is........ We have no preference but my OH did say a few years ago he hoped if he ever had a child it was a girl. Its now stuck in my mind. If the sonographer tells me its a girl I actually don't know what I will do as I feel like I am bonding with a boy.

Its the oddest feeling in the world!!! I just want to know!!!

I was convinced it was a boy, and scan confirmed it! :D x
I guess i gota feelin its a girl :/ dont no how or why but i have .. Could be to do with the old sickness but i heyho lol x

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