Gay children?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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my cousin has just started secondary school and iv noticed that all his friends are girls. not to steriotype but he talk with a "gay" accent and he minces about and wants to dres as a girl all the time. I dont have a problem with it but when i see him at school or read his comments on myspace all his friends are calling him "fag" and saying he does guys. I dont have a problem with gay people but i think its upsetting him and he ignores it or laughes it off because if he doesnt he wont have any friends at school.

What can i do to help him?
Just be there for him and help huim to know that no matter how he is there are people out there whoo will accept him. I was bullied badly at school and it is horrible, but what helped me was having my aunt who I could talk to about it.
i agree with beanie. kids can be nasty when in gangs. they seem to pick on anyone for any reason. too fat, too skinny, too poor, too rich, too ginger, glasses, spots. you name it they will find something.

the only thing you can do is be there for him. if he needs to talk he will.
I'm not sure if Callum is going to be gay but it wouldn't surprise me. He's always been very 'camp' and until Alex was born, we had a boy, a girl and a Callum. He has lots of other problems besides being 'queer', but we're bringing him up to be confident and proud of who he is. He does get picked on (not bullied), but he usually strikes back with a quippy reply - last time someone called him a puff, he gave them a lecture on how he wasn't old enough to decide, but if he was gay, at least when he's older he won't have a wife nagging him :shock: .

I imagine it's going to be a lot harder for him as he gets older. I believe that once the bullies find a person they can get to, they'll continue, it doesn't matter what it's about, (red hair, glasses, too ugly, too pretty...), once it starts it's about power, the bully getting stronger, the victim getting weaker. We're trying to make sure Callum never gives a bully the strength / power to move onto the downwards spiral.

I was bullied in primary school, a bully in high school and I deeply regret both. The best thing anyone who is being bullied can do is stand up for themselves, but it has to come from deep inside. Bullies prey on unsecurites, give your cousin the confidence to be proud of who he is, and the bullies have nothing to work on. If somebody tells Callum he's wierd (most days) he takes it as a complement.
Callum sounds like a lovely little boy and I'm glad he's so strong! I laughed so loud at the bit about not having a wife nagging him :D
I know it sounds funny but theres a lot of really cool gay men in media right now who are funny, trendy, good looking, so its not surprising that some kids are a little camp - media role models are changing completely!

As for the bullying, maybe enrole him in something like karate to give him mroe confidence - he may never have to actually use it in self defence but it will give him confidence just knowing that he could if he had to.
im not being funny here but why is it most of all the really hot guys are gay (except my lovely OH :lol: )

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