

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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My son is 11 years old and had confided in one of his friends that he still wets the bed sometimes. He is currently seeing doctors about it and taking medication but nothing seems to work.

He has come home from school and told me some of his friends keep saying ''wet the bed'' and ''nappies'' to him. He was so upset he wrote me a note asking for advise on what to do.

I have told him to ignore the kids that are saying this to him and they will stop. So far he has said when they say it to him and he ignores them they soon stop but, i am worried it goes further.

This is really difficult for me as I work as a Teaching Assistant at his school and know the kids who are teasing him. He told one of them in confidence as I have always told him he has nothing to be embarrassed about as he can't help it and it is a medical problem. I feel so awkward about how to deal with it, I've told him to tell the Head of Year 7 if it gets too much for him. But I feel so sorry for him because I don't want to get too involved because I work there I feel i should act like I would if he attended a different school.

Am I doing the right thing or should I step in further?
I think your in a very good position to help him and you should use that to your benefit. Perhaps don't make a big deal out of it infront of your kid so hes not seen as some teachers pet, but have a word with the head teacher and tell her who is doing it in particular. Explain to her that you dont want to get too invloved but at the same time, it needs to stop.

You'll do the right thing, mum knows best :D
Have a chat to the year 7 head and say what pinkpunch said. I'd not mention it to your son that you're gonna do that, but any sort of bullying shouldn't be tolerated and anyone elses parent would do the same thing even if they didn't work there. That's what I'd do anyway..
If you weren't working there - what would you do? It should be the same - report it to his form teacher and HOY if necessary. The children may just need a quick reminder of what happens to bullies in firm words from a teacher .
Thank you, i was worried about making it worse because I work there. But i think I will have a word with his head of year and not mention to him that i'm going to talk to her.

Thank you all for your advice.

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