Gave in and gave formula


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I've been debating about stopping feeding for a few weeks and had been looking into combined feeding today when dh came home hardly able to move after puttin his back out at work-decision made,there's no way I could cope with kieron's evening cluster feeds and do tea,put ds to bed etc etc. Bought a few ready made cartons to start with and he's just taken 3oz (less than an hour after feeding from me)

Fx he'l take to having both,just planning on giving him 1 formula feed in the evening then another during the day if more convenient-wish me luck xx
Do what's best for you. Due to Isla cluster feeding at night we don't eat until after 8 near 9. I can see me breastfeeding until she's 1 at this rate :(
He's settled now and hopefully will stay in normal routine and sleep til 10-11 b4 I take him up for a bedtime feed.

Did u manage to get isla to take a bottle? xx
He's settled now and hopefully will stay in normal routine and sleep til 10-11 b4 I take him up for a bedtime feed.

Did u manage to get isla to take a bottle? xx
I agree you got to do what's good for you. I have introduced formula but also express breast milk, don't know how much longer I can do it for as boobs very sore but Lucy has at least had a very good start, I think it's important to do what fits round you as I felt guilty but don't mind giving the odd formula hope hubbys back gets better xxx
Sounds like a good compromise to me. I've just started introducing a few formula feeds as I'm expressing all day and need a break!
I've started Freddie on 2 bottles of formula a day, alternating with breast feeds. Next week I'm going to up it to 3 feeds so I only feed him in the morning and when he goes to bed. Trying to let my boobs down gradually!

I wanted to let DH feed him more but I really did not get on with expressing - it seemed like a chore on top of everything else.

Plus he just got his 2nd tooth today so the quicker I get my boobs away from those the better!!
He's settled now and hopefully will stay in normal routine and sleep til 10-11 b4 I take him up for a bedtime feed.

Did u manage to get isla to take a bottle? xx

Nope no chance. She taking a bit from a sippy cup and I got her a doidy cup yesterday.

How are you gettin on? X
He's feedin well from a bottle-havin 2 formula feeds a day,1 mid mornin and 1 early evening. I'm thinkin of goin onto formula completely tho-I'm just so shattered,he's not even settling straight back off after a feed at night now so he's on and off the boob for nearly an hour b4 he settles-would rather b heatin bottles up!

Have u tried them medela calms bottles that evie put in the reviews section? They're expensive but might b worth a go xx
I'm thinking the same Emma as Lucy latches on for hours especially at night she can be on for two hours. I'm still expressing and giving her that but to be honest I'm starting to try and introduce formula more( she prob gets two a day) on really scared that if I change suddenly I'll make her confronted but it's the best way for me to feed her and she is still thriving. Like you say it's quicker to make a bottle and we have both given bf a good go xx
I've decided to stop completely-I've been so snappy with my 4yo today and it's really not fair on him,Fridays the only weekday that he's not at childcare or playgroup and I've been too tired to do anything with him so been and bought a tin of formula. Kieron's takin bottles fine and I've dug the bottle warmer out so night feeds won't take too long. I thinks it's gonna b for the best-feel a bit sad that il never bf a baby again but that's something I've got to live with along with not having anymore babies xx
If everyones happier that way then it's a good thing. We all have to stop it at some stage so it's always going to be a bit sad.

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