Are you breast feeding or formula feeding??

Breastfed exclusively until she went on solids and still breastfeeding now. She has never had formula and is 11 months old today so i'm really proud of myself as i never thought i'd get this far :D
I exclusively BF I've never really thought about giving up but it has been hard. My nips still hurt now! lol. I love doing it tho don't think i could be bothered with all the sterlising and making bottles up etc. They do just live off your boobs but any excuse to stay in bed for me! i've lived in it for the last 7 wks! You've got to do what feels right for you. As everyone has said happy mummy = happy baby.. and thats soo true. :hug: :hug:
we brestfed for the first 8 weeks and then due to weight gain issues and the fact that she was taken 1 1/2 hours to feed we started introducing formula. We are now exclusively on formula and I still get really upset that we stopped breastfeeding. My boobs still randomly leak and every time this happens I usually end up in tears :cry:

On a positive note she is doing so good on the formula - getting a right chubby little thing (she's back up to the 75th centile which is where she started - dropped to well under 9th!) and she is much more settled (and has started sleeping through the night :dance: )
I used to dread my LO waking for a feed in the early weeks. His feeds used to last 3 hours, then he would sleep for an hour and then be back on my boob. It was hellish. Plus I had lots of stitches and the worst urine incontinence problem (I kid you not and its still ongoing) and my LO was a very demanding feeder. I then developed a nasty abcess at the base of my spine to cause me even more pain. I survived the first 10 days on about 20 hours sleep total. Goodness knows how but I did. OH went back to work 4 days after he was born. I had no energy, no pleasure, no nothing in breastfeeding in those early days because of everything that was wrong. I coped simply as I knew I had to and believed it would get better as my health improved. Yes my LO was latching and feeding but I was a wreck. That often seems to be the way with new mums in the early weeks, regardless if they bottle or breastfeed.

Bit I did tough it out and it was and is so very worth it. I really felt I could and would overcome the problems if I stuck with it. I never considered switching to bottle feeding. I did express a few feeds around 3 weeks for OH to do on advice from HV but tbh it didn't really work for us. So went back to BF'ing it all. And its been that way ever since.

FWIW bottle or boob it'll be tough for different reasons. If you wanted to breastfeed I'd say stick with it as it does get better. Many of us successful breastfeeding Mums have had hellish early weeks but will tell you they are glad they persevered and they got there in the end. And yes, there are others who switched and are happy with that also.

If your LO were losing weight (they usually do in the first week regardless) and not gaining after then maybe consider bottle, but before that, try the old 24 hours in bed with baby, lots of skin on skin, let him feed whenever and stick to the boob and stimulate your supply. I find now if my LO cries my boobs start leaking. Something in me kicks it off :lol:

Have you tried talking to a BF'in counsellor? They can advise about any problems you are having with him latching or staying on your boob etc. Might be worthwhile exploring your options in the next few days before giving up totally and going over to bottle. There are people out there who can help you and advise you far better than your MW appears to have done. It may be that if you have been feeding your LO expressed breast milk (I read elsewhere you were planning on this and may have done so) then he has nipple confusion and simply finds a bottle easier so fusses when given your boob. Special slow flow teats are advised when breastfeeding and expressing so they have to work to suck the milk from the bottle and therefore not get lazy when back on your boob. If the flow from the teat was too fast and your LO didn't have to work much to get milk he may well fuss and be awkward when given your boob. And again why it's advised to solely BF for the first 6-8 weeks to help establish everything and prevent problems.

Please be certain going over to bottle feeding is the right thing for you. And that you have explored and tried all the options before giving up so you don't have regrets later.

I know every person is different, and what works for one won't for another, but I am proof that hellish early weeks for any number of reasons can still mean successful breastfeeding.
midna said:
Sherlock said:
I know every person is different, and what works for one won't for another, but I am proof that hellish early weeks for any number of reasons can still mean successful breastfeeding.

cant say I miss the early weeks .. :rotfl: seed lived on my boob and it hurt and it was totally nakering lol but even after a couple of weeks it got better then I got mastitus that was hell loooool..but by 6-8 weeks it had deffo got easier and then at about 5 and a half months-6months it got even easier still. :D You have to be thick skinned and stubborn to exclusivley breastfeed mehehehe I never considered moving to formula feeding but I gotta say it was hard them early weeks x

hehe I don't miss them either but I am so glad I stuck with it and am still breastfeeding. I love it and Galen is such a happy baby on my boob, even if he is still on 2 hourly (sometimes less) feeds. The feelings I had in the early weeks passed and he has not suffered one bit from my feeling angst and dread at feeding him back then. I was the one feeling it all, not him. He has no memory of it so I don't worry myself about it now.
I am breastfeeding Eva but she also has one bottle a day of expressed milk so that I know she will take a bottle if need be. I wasnt expecting to feed her myself for this long as I was dreading it and those early weeks are soooo hard, its only recently that I would say I enjoy it really. And as far as the closeness goes I dont feel any less close when I give her EBM from a bottle and actually I quite enjoy being able to chat to her about our day while she looks at me, which she cant do without pulling off my boob! :roll: But I am glad I stuck with it, now my only dread is when we decide to stop! :roll: :D
Dont feel guilty if you decide its not for you, formula isnt poison and you can always express for as long as you can so LO gets breastmilk and maybe holds the door open to go back to it. It seems feeding babies is hard work whichever way you do it! :D
I am exclusively BF Emms, but it came very naturally to both of us. Did you have a C section? That can really make things hard with BF sometimes. Have you tried different positions with your bab? Sometimes they have a favourite one - lying down often is good. Have you spoken to your midwife/ health visitor about it or called the BF helpline (0870 444 8708)? Sometimes doing it in a darkened room with no distractions helps.

If you cant BF after trying as hard as you can, then dont feel guilty about using formula, it's just one of those things and making sure your baby is fed and happy and that you are relaxed and able to cope is the best thing. :hug:

I am going to start adding in some formula in about a month as I will be going back to work part-time in Sept and the childminder will give Emms formula as I wont have time to express enough.
I wanted to give BF a try but couldn't as I never produced any milk and was advised by the MW's to use formula. It made me feel like a failure and still does at times.

Do what ever feels right for you. xxx
Faith's first feed was formula from a cup because she wouldn't latch (she had a bit of a traumatic entry into the world).
Then every time she was hungry I tried to latch her and then when she wasn't interested I had to cup feed her formula.

She did latch on the 2nd evening at home.

My nipples got really cracked and sore and as they are flat she would never seem to stay on the nipple for more than 30 seconds at a time!

I ended up expressing all the time and bottle feeding her that.

Then I got mastitis and decided that formula was the way to go.

I don't regret it for a number of reasons:
*my flat nipples meant both of us would have struggled a bit
*she is lactose intolerant so my boob milk would have caused a few problems (only just found this out though)
*I was dreading her waking up, I was dreading feeds and I just wasn't enjoying my little girl.

I think I would have bonded less with her had I stuck with breast feeding as I think I'd have resented her.

Having said that I think those who do bfeed are amazing and doing a great job, it's not a decision to take lightly so make sure you will be happy with your choice.

If I have another baby I will try bfeeding agaiin!

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