gaping wound after episotiomoty


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Ive been unfortunate enough to get a gaping wound following my episotiomy. I'm finishing a course of anti biotics now following an infection. I'm really anxious that the wound will not heal but everyone tells me it will. Has this happening to anyone else?
I had an episiotomy and got an infection, I finished the antibiotics and thought all was well but on Xmas eve I discovered that I have a kind of cyst 'down there' so am going to have to go to my GP this week (if I can get in ofcourse). I gave birth nearly seven weeks ago but still haven't had my six week check as Xmas got in the way....
Firstly :hug: :hug: :hug:
I didn't have any issues with my episiotimy, but yours sounds like quite an issue, I would definitely go see your GP, as you may need antibiotics, and these things are better looked at sooner rather than later :hug: Very best wishes, hope you're feeling better real soon :hug:
When i tore/was ripped open mine felt like i had two holes for a fair few months after, its is only now feeling normal down there again. If your concerned go see your nurse to get it checked out.
hey hun, i had an epitosotomy or however you spell it, and 3 days after mine tore again and was gaping...i too had antibiotics etc really hurts doesnt does get better hun. I will say mine did take 6-7 weeks to heal proporly though so don't over do it because you dont want to do any further damage.

Now 4 months on it is fine :)

Thanks so much everyone. I've been to the hospital and my local gp and the infection has gone. I've just been anxious that it won't heal naturally and will need surgery - which I really don't want - so it's so reassuring to hear that it does heal by itself.
Is there anything I should do to help the healing process?
make sure you keep it clean.... and any sore bits i well my mum would put sudacream on it so it didnt dry out. That along with salt baths mine healed hun x
Salt in baths, as well as lavender oil or tea tree oil, both healing oils and natural. Cotton underwear so your bits can breath and air them when possible. Also try to drink lots of water and even Linseed (soak 3tablespoons in water overnight and eat the next day), or you can get capsules, that will keep your bowel movements oily and ease any pressure when going to the toilet. Glad to hear its on the mend, sounds like you'll be fine just give it time like amzhunny said :hug: :hug: :hug:

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