"gaping" stitches...


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Has anyone else had "gaping stitches"?

I had a 2nd degree tear which for about 3 days after the birth didn't hurt at all.. but then they started pulling a bit and now it's hurting if i stand up or sit down..

i showed the midwife today and she wrote down that they are "gaping".

She was also very astounded at my bad case of piles - they're actually alot better now (they were enormous!!!)

When they stitched me it was one long continuous stitch which was then tied at the top. The top bit is fine but the rest just looks like an open wound.. :(

Midwife said it is not infected and looks really healthy and to just keep doing what i'm doing (shower twice a day and laying on the bed with a fan air-drying me bits after each trip to the loo! - very soothing but not very ladylike and time-consuming!!!)

they're checking me again at 10 days post birth and said if no improvement then docs can prescribe tablets to make it heal? She said they wouldn't need to re-stitch (thank god!) but it may take 3 weeks or so to heal.

Has anyone else had this?
Sorry not had this, but had section stitches with all of mine, so I know stitches go through lots of stuages on there recovery.

Maybee they are gaping as they may have been stretched a bit from straining on the loo, (just reading you had piles at mo). could you get some senacot, or other unbunger to try and help ease that and then the stitnches could have more of a break to recover? do ask your docs about it

Hope you feel better very soon
thanks jjmum... my no.2's seem to be ok at the mo buti think even the pressure of a normal poo does pull on that area a bit so i might go back to trying to drink prune juice each day.. the stitches feel slightly better today - guess it's still early days yet - everything i've read online says 2nd degree tears can take 2 to 3 weeks and it's only just a week that she was born.. thanks for the advice x x x
my lo is 12 weeks and I has an episiotomy, i had that problem but then it seemed to get better however now my wound is wide open im going to try and get in docs on monday cos it shouldnt be like this, I have been putting it off cos i dont want it stitching again, it doesnt hurt but ill let you know what they say x
oh well done for going to docs.. my midwife said that after 6 hours they don't re-stitch apparantly? but then if it doesn't heal then what else can they do. She said to me that i might have to go to docs but for some sort of tablets to help it heal. I'm going to look into arnica tablets as well - they're meant to be good? Good luck for docs and yes let me know how it goes x xx
Hey hun,

how did it go with your midwife?

it was good thanks - no longer "gaping" and she says they're healing nicely. She can't understand why they've been stitched over and over in the same place and more internally with less stitches on the outside.. but apparantly sometimes they stitch the muscle and leave the outside bits to heal themselves back together? it's hard to explain but all the stitches are within the tear and yo ucan hardly see any on the outside! But anyway it's all looking alot better and much less painful.. x xx

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