Fussy eating toddler


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
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My lb turned 2 a few weeks back, he's generally been a good eater and still is really, but for the last couple of months I've struggled to get him to have a proper lunch, and by lunch I mean I sandwich/omelette that type of thing, something lighter than tea. He just refuses to have anything. He eats everything in nursery but not with me. I know it's different in nursery as others are eating with him but it's a bit frustrating.

Any tips, ideas I can try? X
Im the same at the mo hun, my lo is 3 almost and some days wont eat anything. I try various things and even things he asks for and every meal time is a war. I sit with him we eat the same and at the same time as him and turn all distractions off but he just doesnt seem interested. Even snacks is a fight. Only thing I can get him to eat is fruit. In nursery however he eats everyday and everything, cous cous the lot.

Ive mentioned to HV who has just says its a phase but I honestly dread meal times. I have resorted to mostly soft foods because I end up feeding him which in turn frustrates me more as I know he can feed himself fine. He cries sometimes inbetween bites but will eat.

Tonight I had managed to get him to eat chicken nuggets and mac cheese and only because i made such a big deal let him count the chicken and says chicken and macaroni in a funny voice lol that only works sometimes though.

Drinking anything other than milk or strawberry milk is proving difficult. He was always sooo good and enjoyed water. Its like I dunno what he runs on :lol: i try limiting his milks because it fills him, but its hard when he wont drink anything???

Will be interested to see what others say.

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It's so frustrating when you know hey eat everything in nursery!

He will a main meal at home like spag Bol or Sausage pasta bake, fish and chips that sort of thing but out a tuna sandwich in front of him and he won't touch it, knowing he eats it elsewhere! Urghhh it drives me mad lol! Xx
I'm sure I read somewhere that as long as they're eating well in nursery, there is less of a concern if they don't eat as well at home. Don't quote me on that, I could have that completely wrong.

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No tips I'm afraid, we have a very fussy eater too :wall2:

He doesn't go to nursery yet, but when he is with my parents they say he eats everything! We are hoping it's just a phase too x
Thanks guys, it helps knowing I'm not alone.

Goat-love this blog post 😂 xx

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