:( Fussy eater!! Updated :)

AJ's doing really well atm with what he's eating. So not much to update.

We do have a problem though, he's teething, refusing to take his proper nap so is falling asleep before tea so not getting any! Well hopefully back to normal soon.
Glad he's doing better hun :yay: The eating side is such a worry :(
Argh!!! I keep forgetting to update.
The past couple of days he's gone from at least trying things to refusing point blank :wall2:
I dont know wether to take him stabbing the life out of his tea last night as a good sign or not, even though he didnt touch a thing :(

We were eating with him so left him to whinge whilst we finished eating :shakehead:
I know he can/will eat the food if he wants.

Today he's had 8oz of toddler milk and 6(ish) cheerios and a 1/3 of a slice of toast (mine :whistle:)

Let the regular updates begin!! It may just keep me sane...:oooo:

try making a bowl of cereal and start eating it as if its yours then offer the lil man some and see if he bites :oooo:

try making a bowl of cereal and start eating it as if its yours then offer the lil man some and see if he bites :oooo:

Thank you.

This doesnt work :wall2: Unless it happens to be a biscuit!

We'll we were out today and he ate beans and toast (doesnt like the beans on his toast) for lunch (mammy helped him eat), some crisp's too.

Then for tea he had a pork dinner ate some, fed by mammy. Yogurt for afters, ate some spread most of it over his face as a facepack! :lol:
Evie always wants what we're eating so I've found a little trick if she has refused to eat. I take her out of her highchair and put her back with her toys, then 5 mins later I'll come in with a bowl / plate with her food in and sit down and pretend to eat it, she always come up to the sofa and eats some of it even though she has just refused to eat it 5 mins ago :wall2:

It's not ideal but it does get some food into her on the days she is refusing anything.

Reading your updates I think you're doing great though, this feeding business is not easy is it xx
AJ is doing ok atm.
I havent been too adventurous recently tbh :wall2:

We went to a party on Sat and he ate a bite of cheese and was playing with some in his hands. AJ will not eat cheese!
Today he had a chicken spread :puke: sandwich, he pulled it to bits and had a smell, didnt eat any but at least he didnt sit and cry at it. Jam/nutella/ham/cheese have all been refused.

Tomorrow I'm doing braised steak and veg in the slow cooker for tea.
Will also do some bacon and lentil soup for Friday - never had before.
Cheat option of mini chicken kiev's - never had before.

I've also stopped the Toddler milk in the mornings, these past few days. As I feel its filling him too much, he was taking 8oz and eating a tiny breakfast. Now he will take 9oz cows milk and eat breakfast (must stop Daddy getting the biscuits out around breakfast time! AJ has refused breakfast because of this!)
Glad he's picking up hun :hug:

It really is trial and trial and trial :wall2:
It is - Harrison went through a phse where all here would eat was sausages which drove me nuts cos I won't even eat sausages. He then seemed to eat really well at nursery but not with me which I still can't work out but we did buy him a little table and chair like he has there which has helped. Also I avoid snacks when he won't eat his meals and then he'll tend to eat better. Keep going hon - it's tough but you'll get there - keepo us posted xxx
Oh and by the way - he loves mini kievs!!! Ha ha xxx


Today has been a nightmare!
He hardly touched breakfast, for lunch he ate some batter off of Daddy's fish (later had some grapes) and nothing for tea :(
He's had his moo though, so at least he hasnt gone to bed on an empty stomach.

Hoping tomorrows a better day.
Ok soo.. I personally think the toddler milk is filling him too much when he has it in the morning.
Yesterday he had toddler milk and ate very little.
Today he had cows milk and ate non stop!! :yay: He ate braised steak and veg for lunch and homemade soup for tea! He didnt want to feed himself but let us feed him. Heyho!!
wow! Thats a turn around! Clever boy and very clever mummy for finding a way to win the battle! I hope he keeps it up for you x
wow! Thats a turn around! Clever boy and very clever mummy for finding a way to win the battle! I hope he keeps it up for you x

I'm hoping its going to solve some of our problems. :)
Thank you. x
:yay: fab news!! Hope he keeps it up, you feel so much better when you know they've eaten well don't you! xx
:yay: fab news!! Hope he keeps it up, you feel so much better when you know they've eaten well don't you! xx

Thank you. He hasnt been too bad today, I'd say another good day :yay:

I agree, you do feel better when they've eaten well.
I've felt like a failure since the start of weaning :( I guess AJ just doesnt enjoy food like his Mammy does. x
Good to hear you've had another good day :)

Don't you beat yourself up hunny if your LO doesn't eat, you're doing a fab job and are certainly not a failure. They are funny little things and at times it doesn't matter what you give them they will just point blank refuse it and god only knows why!!! I know how you feel as Evie is fussy, I just take comfort from knowing she'll be able to talk one day so it wont be like this forever. Feeding has been the hardest thing for us to get right too and I bet there are tonnes of girls who feel like us :hug: xx
Good to hear you've had another good day :)

Don't you beat yourself up hunny if your LO doesn't eat, you're doing a fab job and are certainly not a failure. They are funny little things and at times it doesn't matter what you give them they will just point blank refuse it and god only knows why!!! I know how you feel as Evie is fussy, I just take comfort from knowing she'll be able to talk one day so it wont be like this forever. Feeding has been the hardest thing for us to get right too and I bet there are tonnes of girls who feel like us :hug: xx

Big :hug: back at you.
Hope Evie is doing well with her eating. x
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