Fussy Eater


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Kyran is driving me absolutely mental with food. Hes just unbelievably fussy at times. I wanted to go down the BLW route but it was hopeless since after a month he went from trying new things to pretty much just smashing everything up and seeing how much he could chuck on the floor. He just wasnt eating anything.

Ive had a terrible battle with lumps. He only ate his first lumpy meal without any complaints 2 weeks ago. Trying home cooked meals are a nightmare, he never likes them. Hes always spat out veg even potato. Hes decided now he doesnt like banana and just pushes it away. Basically the only food he wont refuse it yoghurt. Other than that i'll get a few spoonfuls of whatever in then he refuses any more.

This past week has been a nightmare he just wont eat and i dread meal times its really getting me down :cry: I cant stand fussy eaters but he just wont eat and seems to be extremely fussy and i dont no how to help :cry: :cry: Advice girls?
Harrison has been through this a couple of times and it really does test you. I just carried on offering the foods he had been eating normally prior to it and he went back to eating again (although he's been a monkey today)

have you tried mixing some fruit with the yoghurt?
ted hardly eats...he has about 5 spoonfulls a sitting.. hes useless... i offer him stuff he can feed himself with.. and he will ahve a bit then throw it...im not to concerned.. im gonna take him to baby clinic on weds just to get him weighed.. he still loves his milk..so i dont think hes lost weight or anything he has been like this for about 6 weeks now since he cut his 1st tooth.. will see what the hv advises..
Joe is still a yogurt guy. Some days he eats dinners, some days not. My kids are the fussiest eaters ever. Jow will eat bananas and yogurts. Sometimes they dont even eat the foods they like so instead of us eating to suit the kids the kids eat to suit us. If Im making enchiladas, they get them too. If they eat them great, if they dont, fair enough but they dont get any after dinner treats.

Slowly, Jessica is eating more of a varied menu but she is 4.

I dont get stressed anymore. I used to and it got me nowwhere, just turned dinner time into a riot but now if they arent going to eat they can leave the table. But the living room door is locked and the telly is off. There are no treats for not eating dinner.

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