fussy baby help


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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hi all right christopher has been weaning for about 3 weeks and has taken to it quite well but am a bit concerned that hes showing likes and dislikes of food already when luke was a baby he would eat anything i gave him i am making all my own food except for baby porridge which he has for breakfast hes really enjoying all the new tastes with the veg but really struggling to get him to have any fruit
he loves
sweet potato, butternut squash, ordinary potato, carrots, parsnips, peas, suede,
but the only fruit he will eat is pears and mango and hes very reluctant with that
i did manage to get him to eat apple if i mix it with parsnip and peas
any ideas how i can get him to eat more fruit if he had his way he would live on sweet potato and butternut squash and i really dont want him to be a fussy eater helpppppp xxxxxxxxxxx
Have you tried him with banana? I would sometimes mash one up with a fork for Lewis and he loves it.
yeah ive tried banana hun and he shudders :( and spits it out xxxxxxxx
The only other thing I can think of if you have tried him with different fruits pureed is something like Hipp fruit pots or Heinz baby fruit custards and just introduce the flavour slowly. I wouldn't worry too much though hun if he's not so keen at least he likes his veg which he's getting plently of vitamins from. :hug:
thanks hun ive tried the heinz banana custard which he wouldnt eat have bought the apple and mango 1 for him to try too and will keep trying hopefully he will eat fruit sooner or later thanks for your help xxxxxxxxx
rach said:
yeah ive tried banana hun and he shudders :( and spits it out xxxxxxxx

:lol: sorry rach i had to laugh as luke does that with banana as well!! he also does it with cauliflower cheese that i made a shed load of to freeze and i tried him with it about 3 times and he hates it!! :puke:

me and OH ended up eating it!

as far as the apple goes have you tried mixing it with a strong flavour like apricot? luke loves sweet things but i have the same problem as you with broccoli and courgette and obviously cauliflower cheese!!
lol rusks christopher is the same he seems to mainly eat only root vegetables which i think are mostly sweet :D the only way he will eat apple is if i mix it with parsnips and peas he loves pears so today im starting to mix other fruits in with his pears today we are going to try strawberry with pears he wont eat them on its own but im hoping he might if its mixed with the pears maybe it wont be so sour with pears mixed in :pray:
hopefully he is getting enough of what he needs from the veg :pray: and we will just keep mixing the things hes not so keen on in with the things he likes and hopefully he will be a little less fussy as he gets older
thanks hun xxxxxxxxxxxx

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