funny symptoms...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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Hello, currently in the tww and am on holiday at the MIL's house and have had a few very bizzare symptoms...

so last night she dished up salmon for dinner... (she is a lovely cook... and a lovely lady for that matter) and it actually tasted like petrol :shock:. I actually asked OH (in private obv) if perhaps she was trying to poison me??? lol... sounds like i am being really out of order but im not i promise :) OH reckond his tasted lush... so..... ???

Am not feeling well today (very sicky and dizzy) so MIL and OH have taken LO swimming and am sitting in her study on the computer... no one else in the house... and the smell of coffee is overwhelming... even tho i dont drink it.... (i could freak myself out and say its the Father in Law visiting - as he is no longer with us lol but dont really believe in all that :oooo:)

am a bit gutted tho as i think i am not well cuz of a virus or something... got lump on neck i am assuming is a gland up... but you never know right? there have been stranger pg symptoms lol. and its only about 9dpo and didnt appear to have any EWCM this month so not even sure if i ovd... but have been on hols for weeka nd a half... so not really paying too much attention....

not due to test till 6th July a week later than af due, as dont want to go through what we went thru last month with faint positives then loadsa negs and then af arriving. (and my sister accusing me of lying... but thats another story!! - we have made it up now lol)

gosh sorry to go on and on :sleep:......... hows everyone else doing since i been away? have seen lots of BFP's for ppl - YAYE :)


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