Funniest thing you cried about?

After a sleepless night DH woke up and asked me when I was going to get in the shower. I blubbed like it was the most devastating thing he could say to me.
I cried when I had to put the cone of shame on my cat so he couldn't get at his wound - he looked so sorry for himself!
I cried when I couldnt work out how to put the covering of the moses basket back on after taking it off to wash
Crying at Gavin and Stacey, when Smithy & Nessa had their baby, I was watching it on my iphone at work in lunch, and I had to pretend I had something in my eye when someone asked if I was ok. - I love all the rest, given me a giggle this morning.
I through an absolute hissy fit in Toby carvey when the stupid old waitress had me waiting for a desert I'd ordered for 30 mins only when I asked where it was she told me they had none left & she forgot about it I then left fighting the tears back in the car my OH made me carry on driving to Essex to get the desert I wanted to top it off it didn't taste how I thought it would lol x
This all made me smile so much - I cried (I also stamped my foot) when my husband cooked chicken wrapped in bacon instead of the fajitas that I had been looking forward to all day because he forgot that was what we were having!!! I was furious!!!
I also cried this morning when someone asked me if I had missed my dogs whilst I have been away with work (still away 4 weeks later) and I said yes and burst into tears! Don't think I missed them that much...!
I through an absolute hissy fit in Toby carvey when the stupid old waitress had me waiting for a desert I'd ordered for 30 mins only when I asked where it was she told me they had none left & she forgot about it I then left fighting the tears back in the car my OH made me carry on driving to Essex to get the desert I wanted to top it off it didn't taste how I thought it would lol x

Oh! I've done this!

I built myself up for a whetherspoons chocolate fudge cake all day and I always jumped for joy when a friend asked if I wanted to go. So we got there, ordered cake, sat down and waited, only to be told there wasn't any! I held back the tears but my eyes were watering. I would have cried if I wasn't scared my friend may never have taken me there again.
These are funny, great thread :)
I got very upset the other day when I was unpacking my shopping and couldnt find the eggs I had just got from sainsburys. I had wanted scrambled egg all day and was really looking forward to it. I searched the bags, the car...all around the house??....then realised after half hour I realised my son had already put them away. After all that, I didnt fancy them anymore :wall2:xx
missing a turn off when we went on holiday in may, my husband had to drive the rest of the way back. cos i was crying x
We are getting our little white doggy spayed this month and I started thinking about how I am going to have a baby but she'll never get to have puppies... :(
I cried this morning watching the music video to Peter Kaye's "Show me the way to Amarillo"..........

Saw Bez and Shaun from the Happy Mondays dancing beside him and shaking maraca's and I thought "how nice of them to do that for charity"

I seriously think I'm loosing my mind!!!!:help:
lol :) u guys are so funny :)

i cried when my puppy trod on my toe!
I love this thread - not only does it make me feel not quite so daft for crying at a song about a 17year old eloping - but it makes me giggle. lol
I cried yesterday because my belly was itching.... I know as it stretches skin becomes itchy but i thought i had fleas and started crying!
Before my bfp I burst into tears cos boyfriend cooked carrots for dinner and I didn't want them, then last night absolutely sobbed my heart out because I'd just been to the loo and we had no toilet roll (it was in the cupboard) :roll:
I cried because I wanted marmalade on toast so went to the shop to get marmalade and when I got home realised I had bought shredless marmalade by mistake. Devastated.
These are all absolutely brilliant! I cant say Ive cried at anything completely stupid yet other than feeling like wanting to cry walking into tescos for absolutely no reason?
didn't really cry but with laughter today as an effect of "baby brain"
My mum came up and asked me "how much water do you need, where's the letter"
So i got my household bills and pulled out a folder with my water bills, and she said "why have you kept it with your council tax papers?" i said "coz it's my household bills folder"... then she looked at me stupid and said... "i meant, how much water do you need to drink for your scan tomorrow!"
LMAO!!!!! so random!
i just cried...because FIL is going to buy our travel system and give us some money for other stuff-we don't need the money. What a loser--am feeling a little emotional today and thats just pushed me over the edge! :)

I thought i was gonna cry when my office phone rang because i am not in the mood to be doing any work! hahaha

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