These are hilarious, really cheering me up after an incredibly boring day- on day 4 of maternity leave after a stressful 50 something hours a week summer and I'm already bored
I've cried at lots of things
in march I cried at Chester Zoo on my birthday because the elephants looked sad, I started sobbing in front of all these people in front of my bf, stating that the council should stop building more stupid box houses and make more land for the elephants!?
I cried when we got our shi tzu puppy when she was about 10 weeks we took her out for a walk and she wouldn't sit when waiting to cross the road, so I shouted 'nobody ever listens to me, not even a stupid dog!'
I've cried in work (I work at a theme park outdoors) because a wasp kept 'following me'
I cried the other night because I couldn't set up a pram. I then worked it out and was very pleased with myself then I started crying again because I couldn't get the raincover to go on properly, and the manual was 'stupid'
I've cried because the ironing board fell on my head and my dog didn't even look, loads of things I never ever cry normally so I'm freaking my boyfriend out lots, I think he's confident that by now the baby's crying will be easier to cope with than mine