Fundal Height


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Just got back from my 31 week midwife appointment, everythings fine except on the fundal height is measuring at 32cm which puts me at average for 34 weekish. i was 28cm at 28 week so the fundal height has gone up 4cm. My midwife told me to go back in 2 week instead of 3 to see what i am then but was just wondering how accurate the fundal height chart thingy is?
maybe im going to have a 10 ponder :lol:

Hi :wave:
From other people have said on here, the fundal thing is a load of rubbish! People have been sent for growth scans etc because the midwife has said that the fundal height is too small or too big, but scan shows baby is normal. I wouldn't worry too much. :hug:

Try not to worry, the fundal height chart isn't very accurate at all to be honest. If baby is breech this can put the chart off and also when they engage so there are a lot of variables. When you go back in 2 weeks they will monitor the growth chart. If the curve has leapt up again they will refer you for a scan, so worst case would be that you get to see baby again :hug:
I wouldnt worry about the fundal its a load of rubbish just to make us worry. You are meant to be a cm for every week pregnant you are so your fundal sounds fine to me.

I have been small everytime i have been and im currently 4cm behind my midwife is not concerned and said baby feels fine.

Glad everything else went well though.
dont worry about it hun, its a load of crap :lol:

I was measured on wednesday and fundal was 34cm.....then it was 32cm on Sat :rotfl: Okaaaaaaaaayyy! Ive been measuring big by 4cm for a while, then by 3 and now Im 1cm under according to the magical fundal height! Ive also been sent for growth scans but bubs is fine.

I think fundal height depends how baby is lying, your height, your build, liquor volume, where your placenta is & even what you had for breakfast proabably plays a part in it :lol: seriously dont worry :hug: :hug:
Good good :D , it wasn't the same Madwife as normal either so maybe that had something to do with it. Oh well...i hope they send me for another scan so i can see him again anyways :lol:
i agree hun dont worry about it
im normaly big for my dates but last time i was small lol
manda xx
I don't know why they still bother with the fundal height. I was measuring 2 weeks too big last appointment and said to the midwife 'the extra 2 weeks is all chocolate'. she said 'thats exactly what it is!' :lol:
Everyone else is right, big pile of toss.

Sounds like you did what I did and rocketed between 28 and 31 weeks. I was measuring 34cm at 31 weeks :shock: but it seems to have settled down a bit now. I really don't think it has any bearing on the size of your baby at all.

In fact, I questioned my midwife about it today and she told me that they are more interested in whether your FH stays consistently above or below or in the lines and by how much - because if it shows a significant sudden drop or no growth than that's when there's likely to be a problem. In my NHS notes it says above the graph is no issue whatsoever.

Of course I could just be reassuring myself with all this because I *AM* having a 10 pounder, but here's hoping I'm not... :pray:
I am told different as wel. I measured 25 at 27 weeks and today 27 at 30 and was told everything is fine by the nurse but a bit smaller by my community midwife so i give up.
Yeah it's not very accurate. I was measuring 36 and 34 and yesterday measured 36 at 36.
I agree that it's a load of tosh too!! When pregnant with my son I always measured by the weeks, 32cm at 32wks, 36cms at 36 wks etc. When he was born he was 10lb and extrememly long so if it were any help I should have measured over on the chart!!
It's naff! I went tp help out some student doctors and 4 different people gave me 4 different measurements!!!
I measure spot on last time but it's a ll a bit of guesswork. They measure from the top of where the baby is/where the womb is etc to the pubic bone bit. If you have a feel of your belly youself (make your thumb and 1st finger into a v-shape) you can kind of measure yourself!

(i was listening to the student docs get taught).lol xxx
i dont think it is very accurate either

i have been 3cm behind all the way and went for a growth scan and yes bub was bit on the small side but im not a big person neither is OH

not to worry

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