Fuming, upset and hurt


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Morning ladies,

Sorry to come on here and have a rant first thing on a Monday morning, but many of you will already know that my boss is a tool and I'd had significant issues with him already whilst being pregnant.

I had a call from our Pensions Advisor this morning confirming my payment arrangements during my ML and he alluded to an email that he'd sent my boss. Technically the Advisor is my Advisor as work pay into a private scheme not a company stakeholder scheme. Anyway he told me to 'watch my back' and has forwarded me an email in which my boss has emailed him asking what the legal ramifications would be if he closed the company down the day after I go on ML and start up trading under a different name, therefore could he avoid paying me any SMP and pensions contributions.

I'm livid!! I've worked here 11 years and he cant even bring himself to come and talk to me if he has a problem.

It would explain why my boss has been flat ignoring me since I handing my formal letter to him in April.

The thing that really hurts is that I'm not asking for anything above the BASIC minimum.

I've printed out the email and have found a load of others on my boss PC to our external accountant and an external HR advisor (as there are only three of us that work here) so I've printed out copies of all of these emails (as I'm the only one in the office this morning) to use if I need to.

Can anyone tell me if I'm likely to get into trouble for printing out these emails if I do ever need to use them and secondly does anyone have any advice so that I can protect myself if needs be. I thought I'd photocopy my Personnel file before I go so I have that.

I just gutted that I'm even in this situation. I've always known he's an arse, he watches porn on his PC during the day and has several mistresses, despite his wife coming into the office I've always kept well out of that side of him and just got on with my job.

Sorry for the massive long email.... I could just cry.

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Omg what an absolute tool! :(.

Big cuddles for you.

But surely if the email states that he would like to stop trading as this business the day after your ML, and he's stated in the email it is to stop him having to pay you SMP, surely he can get in shit for that!? Or has he said it clever enough to cover his bac?

I don't know if you'd get in trouble for printing out the emails...
As on the bottom of my emails at work, when I send one it says something about it's for the intended person only etc etc...

Do you have clean access to the emails, are they for everyone to see?! Or would you have had to have snooped in a bit deeper to find them? xxx
Omg what an absolute tool!!!

So sorry he is treating you like this.

I am really sorry to say that yes, you can get in trouble for getting the emails of other peoples PC's.

The one that the Advisor forwarded you is fine, you got that one sent to you so no you won't get in trouble. But the ones you have used other peoples PC's to get then you have breeched this persons privacy.

I know this due to 2 women I work with hated one other girl, Girl A and B where emailing each other being nasty about girl C. Emails got deleted and girl A went outside for a break. Girl C logged onto girl A's PC and recovered the deleted emails and printed them. Gave them into the managing director. Girl A got sacked, Girl B got a written warming and Girl C also got written warning for going into Girl A's PC. Apparently the appropriate way of approaching it is to report them and then somebody higher up would have looked into it and tried to find the emails.

I'd bin them ones and keep the one that the advisor sent you. By the sounds of it this one is the most important one anyway and he would get in the shit for that one alone anyway.
Hmmmm, the worry that I have with regards to printing the emails would be that it may breach some kind of comouter/database misuse act in your contract?? Are you 'allowed' access to them or did you need to hack into them? I would worry that what you have done can count against you in terms of breaching your contract??
other than that I completely agree your boss is a complete tool and something needs to be done. He cannot get away with treating you like this!
Good luck :)
My goodness, this man knows no bounds does he!?

Massive hug sweetie, I cannot believe what a tool he is being!! It’s not like your company have an amazing maternity policy, it’s just SMP (like me). I would seek advice from ACAS or the Citezens advice bureau Hun. I do not have any expirience in the field but hopefully there will be a PF member who works in HR who will be able to advise you further.

I would be careful about the e-mails you have printed out, other than the one forwarded to you by the advisor. Privacy laws are so strict these days.

I am so sorry you are having to deal with this, you don’t need this stress right now.

Clearly 11 years of hard work means nothing to him, I am sure that you could tie this into a case for constructive dismissal?

Hope you get a resolution soon Hun, sorry I cannot be of any help xxxx
Oh my god!! That's so awful!! He gets SMP back from the government anyway, I think. I can't really help hun, but please make sure you look into and find out what you can do, what a *******!! Why would someone be like that?? It's just disgraceful!! x x
I'll email Positivity for you, I'm sure she works in HR and is fab with advice x
Great idea about asking Pos. it may be worth contacting ACAS for advice and maybe even a solicitor.

Using Tapatalk can't see no tickers grrrrr.
Thanks ladies for your replies.

We do have an understanding that its not unsual for someone to go onto your PC to check your email, particularly if I'm out on a building site all day to check that there are no important Clients emails that need to be actioned in our absence.

That said, these emails where in a sub-folder and I had to look to find them so I understand your comments about privacy etc. I think I will have to accept the fact that I will have to bin them and never mention that I know about them and just keep the one from the Advisor which has enough evidence in it anyway.

I really dont want to get into an Employment Tribunal situation as they are so messy and just look crap on me if other people hear about it in the field, particularly if I need to find a new job after my ML. That said, I'm no pushover and he knows that, so I will take it further if I'm pushed.

Part of me is wondering whether I should just keep my mouth shut and keep my head down as I only have four weeks left at work. Or whether I should arranage a meeting with him as he's not responded to my offical Maternity letter I gave him at the begining of April (so is well outside the 28 days to respond) on the pretence that I'm just checking he's ok with everything, see if that flushes out his issues and if it does then get him to make me an offer and I'll just never come back.

Its so sad it seems to have boiled down to this, when all I really wanted was to be able to have a career and a family, but it seems like if we do have a bad boss we really do have to choose.

Thank you once again for your support
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Omg, what an arse!! Poor you! You definately don't need to be dealing with this when you've got baby to be thinking about!
I'm afraid I don't know too much about this area, but could you talk to Citizen's Advice about your situation?
Think it might be a good idea to meet with ur boss regarding not responding to your formal letter, purely because its something that should've been done that hasn't. This could lead to the air getting cleared? Has he not dealt with any maternity before??
Really hope things get sorted for you, but definately stick to ur guns, hopefully it won't have to go to tribunal, but remember ur rights and don't back down!!
Good luck with it all, and let us know what happens!
This is awful! This man has no decency or business scruples whatsoever!!

I'd be tempted to keep the printed off emails so that if you did need to go through a tribunal you could ask advice from your rep on whether you can use them as evidence at that stage. Surely they could advise you of whether the emails are ok then, and if not you just don't use them? You could ask about the implications hypothetically... explain that you all regularly access each others emails, etc. without actually saying that you definitely have the emails printed off.

I really hope you get things sorted out. But I'd look for something else anyway for after your maternity ends... He's an arse!!!

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Do not let him just get away with this. He will do it to someone else someday. Please please don't let him walk all over the top of you. I am absolutely gob-smacked he is such an arsehole. He deserves to be reported. Utterly shocked. Poor you. Keep your chin up, not long til you finish up xxxxx
This man is an absolute disgrace, so sorry you are having to go through this during what is supposed to be a really happy time.
Could you contact a solicitor to get some formal advice (any friends/family in that field)? If not Citizens Advice or ACAS would be a good bet; what he is suggesting is wrong as it is preemptive of you going off on maternity.
The vindictive part of me would also add that once you have sorted out the formaltities/legalities and if you decide not to stay with the company to contact his missus with some details of his behaviour and extra curricular activities.
Please take care and look after yourself Xx
Omg I can't believe ur boss would do this!!

I think ur idea about speaking to him about ur leave is the best way to deal with it. Then take it from there.
And, of course, keep the email that was forwarded to u!!

I wish I could give u better advice, but working for myself, I'm really no good with situations like this. I really hope u get everything sorted!! Xox

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I am in total shock that he could even think of doing this, esp when the government def pay back something towards your SMP. What a slimy arse, especially when you have been there for so long!

No advice, but I am raging for you!
Thank you ladies, perhaps we could all line up in front of him and scream at him? :D xx
:roll::shock: sorry no advice here but I hope you sort it all out and ahem maybe you can find a better job when all is over?
Thank you ladies, perhaps we could all line up in front of him and scream at him? :D xx

I think a line of screaming, pregnant ladies would soon kick him into shape! Let's do it!! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Thank you ladies, perhaps we could all line up in front of him and scream at him? :D xx

I think a line of screaming, pregnant ladies would soon kick him into shape! Let's do it!! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Well I am in.... if it's a fight he want's then it's a fight he will get.... a pack of hormonal raging women isn't something he should mess with! xx
I wouldn't show any knowledge about the other emails you found.
Sorry he's being such an areshole!!! x

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