Full time workers in tri 1.. How did you cope?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi Girls,

Just stopping by from Tri 1 to see if anyone here been give me any tips.

I'm early in my pregnancy (around 7 weeks but won't know for sure until first midwife app)

The nausea kicked in last week. Its awful in mornings especially, then sometimes eases until late lunch and then its back again late evening. What I find most difficult is being sat at my desk feeling so sick and also trying to hide it from work colleagues and bosses.
How on earth did you guys get through it? Its the tiredness too!

Any tips or advice would be brill! Thanks x
Hi Hun I didn't want to read and run but I didn't suffer from sickness at all but I have read some of the girls use to eat before getting up like some dry toast biscuits and tea can help but other than that I can't really help I do hope you find a way though and have a healthy 9 months :) xx

i told my bosses and they basically ignored me complaining til i was 12 weeks, then had a meeting with the manager and got put on later shifts and no more sleep ins. not much help there tho im afraid.
The department I work in all know I am pregnant (its pretty hard to sneeze where I work without anyone knowing lol ). Once my GP confirmed everything I went and saw my boss who was pleased for me but she said until I am 12 weeks they dont really need to do anything like a workstation assessment etcas long as I look after myself and watch what I am lifting (im a secretary in a hospital and use casenotes every day). As I have been on holiday since I found out a week and a half ago I cant comment on the tiredness at work but I find I get tired easily especially ater at night. Usually I would pick up some lucozade to pick me up but I really dont want to drink that just now.

I am back to work Monday so will update after that to see how the tiredness affects etc xx

I didnt suffer from sickness where i had to leave my desk but did 'feel' sick. What i used to do is keep ginger biscuits with me as they made me feel better, even just after one if i felt a bit iffy.
I did have a bit of a cold and was shattered in tri 1 but just kept saying it was a head cold getting to me and i wasnt getting much sleep becasue of it. :lol: x
I found nothing helped except being sick!! I was doing all this getting up early and eating dry biscuits/ginger biscuits/ etc before getting out of bed and found I threw them all up!! It was just easier to get it over with first thing. I also had the sickness bands and they just hurt my wrists - so I suppose the pain did take my mind of the sickness for a bit!! Unfortunately not much helped. I work in a school and used to spend assembly, break and lunch time quietly throwing up hoping the kids didn't hear!!

One thing you might want to check is when are you taking your pregnancy vits? I have heard some of the women on here saying that their vits made them feel quite poorly, especially the folic acid, so they started to take them at night and sleep on them and this improved things. I got terrible evening sickness and found going to sleep was the only way to stop feeling ill!! Sorry if I'm gloomy/not much help, but fingers crossed when it passes (around 14 weeks for me) I felt fab in tri 2!!

Hope you feel better soon. xxx
I used to suck tic tacs. that helped me with nausea.

But i also told my boss when i was 5 weeks, and she asked to tell the two senior staff, so at least there were some people who knew what was going on. xxx
I just ate a few digestive biscuits and that seemed to help for a while. Although it did stop working and my doctor prescribed me some tablets to help xx
hmm im not sure.. i never worked through my morning sickness, i found that nothing helped me.. just eat smaller meals, and i had to get anti nausea medication because i had it 24/7 .. i wasnt sick in my first trimester tho it hit me at 26 weeks exactlly im now 35 weeks and i still have it but it could be to do with my liver not functioning the way it should be good luck!
Ginger biscuits and peppermint tea are lifesavers! Hope you feel better soon, it usually passes x
I remember this so well!! I started being sick at 5 weeks (about 3 times a day). I still have the odd day where I'm sick now! I'm a teacher, so was v difficult. Basically, the teacher next door was on standby everytime I ran to the loo. I kept lots of munchies in my top drawer. As for the tiredness, u just have to battle through! Wait til u get to Tri 3! X
I didn't work during the day so I was lucky in that way, and because of my job I didn't seem to feel so ill when I was actually working as it was so full on. I put on shows with kids at around 8 weeks and even had to get myself in a huge humpty dumpty costume many times as I'd written myself into the little ones show (before I was pregnant!)
I wasn't actually sick at all just felt really queasy. I ate a lot of apples! For the first few weeks I really didn't eat very much which didn't help, as when I did start to try to eat more, ( apples.plain rice, bananas - really simple things ) there was a time after eating that I felt better.
Plain Crackers and ginger tablets and sea bands helped me too ( I got fed up of actual ginger! )
Sorry you feel so rough, but when it does pass it's such relief! just keep ticking down the days!
Ginger Biscuits I kept a packet in my desk drawer for when I felt the nausea kick in and midwife informed me to drink plenty of fluid which seemed to help.
Crackers, and hot water with lemon. Also I got loads of sucky sweets. They were amazing.
But my work guessed at 10 weeks. So I can't say all that helped.
the only thing i found helped was anti sickness tablets prescribed by the doc. they were called prochlorazepine or something like that. i was luckily not working at the time i had the sickness (from weeks 5-10) so i cant give any advice about tiredness...

the only thing i can say is it does get better!! when the sickness has passed you should be less tired too, good luck hope you start feeling better soon

I suffered more with tiredness than sickness. Come afternoon i'd nearly be falling asleep at my desk! I told my boss quite early on, so she was sympathetic and let me take a few mornings off at short notice etc. For the nausea i used to eat dry crackers or digestives. Just something plain to line your tummy.

It does get easier although the tiredness is back with a vengence in tri 3! xxx
Thanks for the replies everyone!
Some good advice :)
How weird but my nausea has been ok today. Not holding my breath it'll stay that way mind you ;p x
i kept an apple on me at all times. the only way i could evade the worst nausea was to have a piece of fruit the minute i felt queasy. most of the time in the early weeks i just retched a lot and it often took me by surprise, only got actually sick after 12 weeks and it lasted til 24 weeks im afraid.
Unfortunately I couldn't cope :( I was constantly being sick then was in hospital for it. It cost me to much to stay employed and had to take so much time off coz my head was literally down the toilet or in a bucket all day so had to give up my job :(

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