Hi - am back! How are you all doing??


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Has been a month as things been really manic and am officially pooing my knickers now 3rd Tri has kicked in.

I've been really lucky and not had any probs. My last visit/scan showed a low placenta so have a scan next week to see if it's risen. They're also keeping checks on my blood pressure as been a bit up and down. But touch wood all going well. And am still team green! Will have to post a bump pic as the last one was tiny compared to how it is now. All out front - so a boy I wonder??

Nuff about me - just wondered how you are all doing and are you getting nervous/excited for the inevitable?

Also question for the late 3rd Tri-ers - when did you all start to feel really knackered and restricted in your activities?

:hug: to all x
hi Timtam WB :D

I'm feeling pretty tired now, I'm not sleeping well as I can't get comfy, my hips hurt a lot and lower back. Generally get out of breath pretty often so need to slow down and stop what I'm doing. I'm not too restricted, can still get out of the bath and get my socks/shoes on etc but turning over in bed and sitting up is a challenge now.

I'm both nervous and excited :cheer: its been sometime since I had a newborn and things have changed a lot over the years. I'm looking forward to my NCT classes though so I can get updated and meet some new friends :D
I tried to keep really active and was still walking my dog a mile a day, and throwing her a ball on the walk at 37 weeks.......at which point I just couldnt do it anymore. At 33 weeks I had to give up the 2-3 mile walks a day!

I do think being as active as possible helps, my best friend had her baby the day before me - she was still swimming 3 times a week, and was working and commuting the hour to and from work, she called me one evening on her way home from work, next day had a text to say she had her baby - just 8 hours in labour!!!! Im sure it was due to her fitness that it was such a quick and easy labour!!
Hi Charlotte and Elliebelle,

OMG!!!!! Didn't realise you'd popped already Ellie.... many congrats!!!! Am gonna have to look at the old posts and find your birth story etc. That was really quick! Hope it was a fairly good one (as easy as they come anyway!) He is gorgeous. By the way, I went for the Jane pushchair in the end so thanks for your advice way back.... Hope all's going well with mummyhood and you're getting some zzz's :hug:

Glad all's going well. You're flexibility sounds like mine so I guess am normal then!! zzz's are also corrupted with boots in the ladies bits!
When do your NCT classes start? I must check mine out - think may put another post out as not sure which of 3 kinds to take...
timtam said:
Hi Charlotte and Elliebelle,

OMG!!!!! Didn't realise you'd popped already Ellie.... many congrats!!!! Am gonna have to look at the old posts and find your birth story etc. That was really quick! Hope it was a fairly good one (as easy as they come anyway!) He is gorgeous. By the way, I went for the Jane pushchair in the end so thanks for your advice way back.... Hope all's going well with mummyhood and you're getting some zzz's :hug:

Yes I queue jumped and had a c-section at 39 weeks as my little man decided he preferred being the right way up, which was unfortunately the wrong way up for labour :D

Mummyhood is just amazing!! SLEEP??? What exactly is that??? :rotfl:

So glad you got the pushchair sorted and great to see you back and now in the 3rd Tri!!! :)
Hey stranger!! nice to see you back.

I walked to the shop today which is up hill and was soo out of breath it was unreal. Had to buy a drink to have on the way back down and i was so nice to be walking back down hill :lol:

My last scan also showed a low lying placenta and I have to go back and get rescanned at 35 weeks to see if it has moved up.

Looking forward to seeing your new bump pics. I feel like im carrying a baby elephant at the moment. Im also all up front and my bump is blue so maybe you have a blue bundle in there as well. I dont seem to have put on any weight anywhere but my bump :)

Im now officially cacking ones pants :lol: in the middle of trying to sort out mine and wee mans hospital bags and get all his stuff washed ready for him coming. Only 10 weeks left. I have found that Im not sleeping very well as if its not wee man kicking me all night then I cant get comfy as my hips and back are killing and thats with the help of a v pillow. Guess it will get me used to not having much sleep when the night feeds start!

Great to see you back hun

xx :hug: :hug: xx
MrsBrightside said:
Guess it will get me used to not having much sleep when the night feeds start!

Oh you just wait......... :D

I promise you nothing can prepare you for the night feeds :shock:
hi welcome back! :D :wave:

only now am i starting to feel really tired im definatley nesting but get tired alot sooner then i did! :sleep:
timtam said:
Glad all's going well. You're flexibility sounds like mine so I guess am normal then!! zzz's are also corrupted with boots in the ladies bits!
When do your NCT classes start? I must check mine out - think may put another post out as not sure which of 3 kinds to take...

They start on the 7th March so we've got a while to wait yet.
EllieBelle said:
MrsBrightside said:
Guess it will get me used to not having much sleep when the night feeds start!

Oh you just wait......... :D

I promise you nothing can prepare you for the night feeds :shock:

oh bloody hell what have I let myself in for :rotfl: :rotfl:

I felt very tired through the first bit of the first tri and wondered how I'd get through to the end but then last week (35 weeks) I started feeling less tired and actually unable to sleep not because of pain or discomfort but just because whereas I had been sleeping 8 hrs and napping about 3 during the day. So now I have more energy but I can't do much with it as I can't bend, can barely pick things off the floor and finding the right chair is impossible! But at least I don't have the horrid dragging fatigue all day like I did.

Hi girls!
Great to hear from you....
Have my laptop with me today as not enough time to escape work (12 hours today - ugggh!!!!) Top it off my clients are completely p*ssed and when you stone sober like us, it's not so great eh??!!!!
MrsB - how fast is this going? Didn't know you had low lying placenta as well. Hopefully will have moved for your next scan. Can't believe how organised you've been since the start (I had no idea you were meant to wash bubs clothes!!!) :lol:
Clairebear - Sh*t! You're nearly due! Madness.... that brings it home eh? Don't know what Carpel Tunnel is - are you ok??
Rosebay - that's reassuring!! Roll on 35 weeks :) Countdown starts now for you then!
Anyway best go and tent to the p*ssheads!!!!!
Take care xx
Hey Timtam, I was wondering where you'd disappeared to...

It's going scarily fast now isn't it? It dragged to start, then went a bit quicker, then dragged again but now it's flying by, and being in third tri definitely makes it all seem so much more real. Especially now we've started our NCT classes - the weeks are flying by now and the sessions are coming thick and fast!

Aren't you due April 9th too? Just your ticker's a day out from mine... :think:
timtam said:
Hi girls!
MrsB - how fast is this going? Didn't know you had low lying placenta as well. Hopefully will have moved for your next scan. Can't believe how organised you've been since the start (I had no idea you were meant to wash bubs clothes!!!) :lol:

I know its madness how fast its gone eh?! just seems like we have blinked and missed it. Yeah I also have a low lying placenta and fingers crossed it will move by my 35 week scan or I was told I may need a c section!!

Yeah you know what im like with been organised haha. Me and my lists and liking stuff to be ready. I freak out if I think ive missed something. Plus he's got that much stuff that if I dont start washing it now it will never be ready for when he comes :lol:
timtam said:
Hi girls!
Great to hear from you....
Have my laptop with me today as not enough time to escape work (12 hours today - ugggh!!!!) Top it off my clients are completely p*ssed and when you stone sober like us, it's not so great eh??!!!!
MrsB - how fast is this going? Didn't know you had low lying placenta as well. Hopefully will have moved for your next scan. Can't believe how organised you've been since the start (I had no idea you were meant to wash bubs clothes!!!) :lol:
Clairebear - Sh*t! You're nearly due! Madness.... that brings it home eh? Don't know what Carpel Tunnel is - are you ok??
Rosebay - that's reassuring!! Roll on 35 weeks :) Countdown starts now for you then!
Anyway best go and tent to the p*ssheads!!!!!
Take care xx

yep not too long now! :cheer:
i see my specialist about the OC next wednesday so will get my induction date for the week after! :o
its scary and exciting!

carpal tunnel syndrome affects your hands and wrists,they swell up causing restriction in the circulation so causes pain and numbness,doing basic things like plugging things in and taking lids of bottles becomes so blooming difficult!
oh well both conditions hopefully will go once bubs is here :pray:
kaybee said:
Hey Timtam, I was wondering where you'd disappeared to...

It's going scarily fast now isn't it? It dragged to start, then went a bit quicker, then dragged again but now it's flying by, and being in third tri definitely makes it all seem so much more real. Especially now we've started our NCT classes - the weeks are flying by now and the sessions are coming thick and fast!

Aren't you due April 9th too? Just your ticker's a day out from mine... :think:

Hi Kaybee,
Yeah long time no see! Hope you're well. It is pretty scary as realise this bowling bowl has to come out!!!! Ouch! (poor bubs - nice reference!) Yep am due 9th April - not sure why my ticker is different, am useless at IT and all that. Am sure it will come out a different date than suspected anyhoo!

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