Full term today & are these BH's?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Wow. Can't believe I am 37 weeks today. Does this mean Mini Master G can come at anytime now?

I think I was having my first set of BH's last night. It was like a stitch all over my tummy that was on & off & felt like baby was turning all out front as it was really hard! And a few shooting pains up my bum (tmi) felt like he was about to drop out my bum haha!

Then went to bed & was having period type pains for about an hour or 2. They did last quite long but was not painful as I was watching TV in bed. I fell asleep and woke up to nothing bar a sore throat & runny nose :lol:

Does this sound normal?

I Hope I am not going to have these everyday for the next 3 weeks. I would rather him come now I am all prepared & sorted to go!
Congrats and yes it sounds like BH's, they make your tummy go really hard and tight, I get them everyday at the moment along with the shooting pains, best of luck with everything xxxx
happy 37 weeks! wohooo yeah your full term so technically baby can come at any time and be fine :) wow i have never had a BH xxxxx
Hi stacey we have the same due date, im hoping mine will show soon too, ive got the braxton hicks and i think a 'leaking' mucus plug. climboing the stairs in twos helps my baby engage as well as going into squats for about 30 seconds each time.
My discharge (lovely) has increased today! I feel like I need a poo all the time also :lol:

I Know he is just teasing me & probably won't come for ages!
My discharge (lovely) has increased today! I feel like I need a poo all the time also :lol:

I Know he is just teasing me & probably won't come for ages!

Both exact same for me.

I've been having BH for a while though


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