from basket to cotbed!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hi everyone!
Hayden is getting too big for his wee moses basket so we wanted to make the transition of putting him into his cotbed, we're moving it into our room, any advice on making the transistion or will he be fine??
Well i just went for it and she went in her own room at the same time but she was 6 months old so bit older than Hayden.

You could try putting the basket inside the cot so he gets used to it a bit, sleeping with the sheet so it smells of you.
Ditto the above.

FWIW we put Galen into his cot at 6 weeks from his basket with no problems whatsoever. In fact he slept better as he was able to sprawl out and not have his arms hit the sides.
Calum went from his crib in our room to the Cotbed in his nursery last night and tonight and so far its gone fine :D
Good Luck
Sherlock thats what im wondering if he needs a bit more freedom in bed if that makes sense lol! Might try and push it til he's a wee bit older...

Do you girls think moving the cotbed into our room is the best idea? Its in his nursery at the moment...
hi hon, we moved the cot into our room last week and just put her in it, she slept like a starfish!!
We never put Theo in a moses Basket, he went straight in to his cotbed. he didnt like it at first but we brought two of these: ... 477&sr=8-8

and put them either side of theo in his cot (underneath the bottom sheet), they are great, the purfect hight and length to move around and support him. now his cot dosent feel to big. we eneded up sleeping him on his side, and they are great for holding him in place!
We moved Ella into her cotbed at around 8 weeks and just went for it, she was absolutely fine and like Galen, she slept better as she wasn't bashing her arms on the sides all night. I would definitely move the cot into your room if you can, we did this and didn't put Ella into her own room until she was 6 months - I was too paranoid to put her in any earlier, plus I liked having her in with us.
Macey has been next to me in her cotbed since she came home from hospital at 11 days old she likes to stretch out when sleeping!
Thanks everyone, popped Hay into his basket and slept as well as he does in the basket, only thing is when i checked him the other night he had moved so i guess hes enjoying the space lol!!
Hiya! Glad to hear Hayden is getting on so well. I'm at exactly the same stage - Lily is definately getting too big for her basket but I'm not really ready for her to be in her own room yet. Although her room is next door... and there is a window in the walll so I can see her. I think I'm just going to have to be brave about it. You are so lucky having a cotbed in your room with you!


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