Frigging nightmare


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Sorry for the contsent posts guys really appreciate your reponses and kind words not just to me but to everyone :) anyway as a few of u know I ovulated late at day 19 and yesterday at day 26 had TMI warning brown discharge when I wipe and spots on pad. This had carried on til today and a few of you suggested implantation bleeding I don't know f this is the case as am due tomorrow anyway. My questions is if my AF starts in full swing tomorrow would I go by yesterday as day 1 or the day where AF comes in properly? Sorr for being so dull

Wishing you all the luck in te world

Sarah x x
If u ov'd on day 19 surely you wouldn't be due af till day 33 another 6 days or so????? So very much could be implantation. Day one is first day of bright red bleeding hun. All the best sweetie x
I'm usually pretty regular always thought i ovulate at around day 14 but used OPK for first time this month with a strong positive at day 19 not quite sure what's going on to be honest thank you for advice that day 1 is proper blood period makes me feel better as Bering mega worried that my phase Is only 7 days long obviously not long enough to implant
Aw, glad to make you feel a bit better, wait a week and if no proper af get testing!!!
I count day one when AF is full flow as have read that in books as i was unsure myself xxxx
Sarah sweetie,

Why don't you start a journal?

I found it really helpful...

I was told that CD1 is the first full day of proper bleeding (I needed to know as I had CD2 blood tests!)

Yeah that's a good idea it's today then :( that's 10 days from positive stick just hope that's enough
Yeah that's a good idea it's today then :( that's 10 days from positive stick just hope that's enough

If it is just one cycle I wouldn't worry

Someone else also pointed out to me that spotting for a few days before AF can indicate problesm with your progesterone level... So you may well want to consider asking your GP about it??

(I have to add that I spot for a few days before AF but my blood tests showed my progesterone level was fine, my LP is however is 15 days!)

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Could u ovulate late because of stress?

In all honesty I really am not sure about this hun?

As far as I am aware you can Ov at different times in the month (last cycle I got a + on CD15 and this cycle it was CD13) but your LP always remains the same.

So if you Ov early, AF should be early and if you Ov late AF will be later?? I think?

Ah right just googled (shouldn't have lol) early lp and loads have said they have conceived with no problems but obviously a worry. My cycles have been 31 days for two months and 28 for two to the days all so strange maybe pill is still in system mind? Only been off it around 5 months properly
This will make u laugh as the witch has arrived I decided to do everything you shouldn't I've drank so much coffee I'm literally shaking, bought a few bottles of wine and been on the sun bed haha screw u witch :p
This will make u laugh as the witch has arrived I decided to do everything you shouldn't I've drank so much coffee I'm literally shaking, bought a few bottles of wine and been on the sun bed haha screw u witch :p

Have a glass of wine for me hun!!


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