Freezing/refrigerating food


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Does anyone know what you can't freeze? Can I freeze nectarine?

I was going to make Ella a pear and nectarine pudding, but am not sure if I can freeze it :?

Also unsure about fridge life of foods - i.e. cooked swede, celeriac, carrot etc?

I want to get a stock of foods built up, I know that freezing/defrosting it wont be as good as it being freshly made, but is there any nutrition left by doing it this way?
That's what I'm unsure of. :? I know you can't freeze banana :?
Don't know, can't remember where I read it now :? (not much use am I?!)
hehe kina (just noticed you changed your name :D ) you're funny

all i can say is at home we've frozen apple and berry stew and it freezes really well
Just googled 'freezing banana' and it appears you can :oops: Ahhh I just talk out my bum :lol: I was certain that I read it somewhere this weekend. Poop :?
it's probably just one of these issues (yet another)people disagree about.
did it say anything about the goodness being lost?
Nope, just don't freeze it. Must have dreamt it. Like when I made DH get out of bed to answer the door to the postie at 4.50am the other morning :lol:
Good morning Kina!!!
Thought I'll reply before I get on the road.

You can just about freeze any fresh fruit apart from melon (it goes very soggy).
I gently simmer fresh banana in a little fresh orange juice and straight to the freezer. That quick heating really just avoids the discolouring of banana. I freeze fresh papaya too and Oscar also loves fresh guava.

Will check out a few things and post later.

Emilia xx
yup it's ok to freeze pretty much anything! i tend not to freeze banana as it's so easy just to mush some up there and then, and i also cook and freeze all my fruit and veg separately so i can "mix and match" as and when!

you won't lose many nutrients by cooking and freezing, i always make sure i cook everything in the smallest amount of water possible (or steam it) with the lid on and then i use the cooking water in the puree as well, that way i keep all the nutrients in!
Kina, Annabel Karmel says you can't freeze banana :? But you can freeze everything else :)
Sami said:
Kina, Annabel Karmels says you can't freeze banana :? But you can freeze everything else :)

:dance: :dance: :dance: I knew I read it somewhere!! Was beginning to think I was going more mad!! :lol: Thank you for clearing that up!
kina, fair enough you didnt dream the thing about bananas but you still got your oh up for an imaginary postie
:lol: I know :oops: It was quite funny, I was sure I heard him ring the doorbell and bang the door. I hit Matt and said 'the posties here', he jumped out of bed, checked his watch and said I doubt it, it's 4.50am. Ooops!! :oops: :lol:
Banana freezes great!!! Whenever I have too many brownish coloured ones, I peel them, chop and freeze. Then I take however much I need. I especially works amazingly well if you use the frozen nuffets to mix with yoghurt for baby.

Just yesterday I froze banana mush and Oscar had a cube in his cereal this morning!
I also mix banana & avo with greek yoghurt - mine freezes brilliantly! Here in SA you can go to some deli's and you'll see frozen boxes with balls of freshly frozen fruits. Even melon is frozen, but that is usually ideal for making a cold smoothie - although, thinking about it, you can still blend it with yoghurt and leave to get to room temp.

Oscar has just about had every fruit you can imagine - he just had homemade youngberry, pear and baby rice for his din-dins!!

Annabel Karmel.... eat your heart out!! :wink:

Emilia xx
I bought some fresh orange juice today Emilia to give it a go simmering together, not sure what Ella will think! :lol:

I was very domesticated today and made a rice pudding. I am so pleased with myself, even if it only had 4 ingredients!! (Milk, pudding rice, sugar and nutmeg). I wasn't sure whether I should give it to Ella because of the sugar but figured that there was just as much or even more in other foods so I tried her with it and she loved it. Made mummy very proud :D :D :D :D She wasn't so keen on the swede, celeriac and carrot though did eat some. Well it's a dessert for every now and then, makes a change from fruit.

Now have lots of rice pudding to freeze! (Though I think I might polish a bit off later :oops: ) It was like one spoon for Ella, one for mummy :oops: :oops:
Made up my food today:

She really likes a banana and peach dessert that I made, here is the recipe if anyone is interested.

1 large banana, 2 peaches (peeled and stone removed), dash of fresh oj and some baby rice to thicken.
I simmered the banana and peach in the oj for a few mins (as recommended by Emilia), blended, added the baby rice to make it thicker for her and voila, yummy summer dessert. I actually wanted to eat it myself (need to show more restraint!! :lol: )

So far she likes everything, including sweet potato and pear. But she isn't keen on avo and banana mixed together.

This is fun :D :D
sounds yummy! i always end up having a few spoonfuls of ruben's food too... :oops:

one thing is for certain, i will not be giving him many jars from now on, because what happened now we are travelling is NOT GOOD... he had jars for 3-4 days before i had a massive cooking session yesterday. i cooked the usual things that he has (carrots, swede etc.. couldn't get hold of sweet potato and parsnip here :( ) and he screwed his face up at it! he usually eats it all up pronto and wants more! then he was the same today too - only wanted the pureed fruits, not the veggies... i can't believe it... a a few days of jars and then all of a sudden he prefers them to my home cooking... :cry: i still got it down him - by giving him one spoon of veggies, then one fruit, then veggies and so on. (oh his little face when he was expecting fruits and got veggies instead... i felt evil...)he must get used to the home made stuff again, so i'll be an evil mummy for a few days!

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