I had my son 9 weeks ago, I opted for a more natural experience but wanted to be at the hospital purely as it was my first baby, I didn't know how I or my body would cope and didn't want to risk anything if baby was unhappy.
However after that experience (no rooms so I was left in a visitors lounge with nothing but a sofa, no pain relief even if I wanted it and no midwife to check me until I was around 8cm and not far from pushing, plus the getting there, not knowing what was going on and having to waddle back afterwards etc) and knowing now that my body can cope with it fine as labour went quickly for my first, birth was relatively easy and fast, no tears, minimal bleeding and perfect baby etc I will definitely be opting for a home birth next time. For me I wouldn't want a free birth just in case, but I do think natural is best and if you feel confident to do that then go for it.
I feel my labour would have been much quicker and more relaxed if I had stayed at home, and we all know drugs slow things down and cause complications. If you are at hospital then you can be tempted even if you originally wanted to do it naturally, with a free birth you have to go through with it.
I have to admit I was happy to have the midwife when it came to pushing, her guidance really helped and reassured me but now I know what to expect and how to listen to my body better I do feel as though I would cope on my own, however personally I would still want someone there for a home birth especially to check baby over afterwards and if I needed any stitches etc.
If you have had babies before so know what you are doing and know your body well then I think it would be a great experience, if its your first I would say allow a midwife to be there for you, if you don't want much interaction they will take a back seat until you need them