Freddie George born 23rd August 2014


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Jan 27, 2014
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On Friday 22nd August I was out shopping for the day with my OH. I thought at first my bladder was being weak as had a few trickles but after a while it dawned on me that perhaps my waters were leaking. I called the birthing unit and they said I needed to go in to be examined to see if it was my waters.

We got to the birthing unit about 6pm when examined the midwife said it was my hind waters leaking and that my cervix wasn't dilated at this point. Because of the leaking and no other sign of labour starting I had to be referred to the hospital at 1am to be induced due to the risk of infection to us both. I was gutted and felt quite upset that I wouldn't be able to have baby at the nice calm birthing unit and also a water birth was now not possible.

We headed home with some grapefruit and sage oil strapped to me to help kick start things. Had a couple of hours at home bouncing on ball etc before heading off to the hospital.

Arrived at the hospital at 1am 24 hours after my waters started leaking. We was given a bed on a ward at 1.45am and told that the labour ward was too busy so they would monitor me and a doctor would be to see me first thing.

At 7am Saturday 23rd August me and OH were starving so we went for a walk around the hospital everywhere was shut for food so we sneaked out to tescos. I had been to the toilet once and thought I needed to go again as was getting cramp. OH said he thought it could be a contraction. I really thought I just needed the toilet. We got back for 8.30 when the doctor would be round. No doctor and now I was getting these pains 2 in 10 mins.

I was put back on the monitor and waited for a doctor that never came. The midwife said I would be examined in 4 hours and gave me some paracetamol. That would have been 3pm so much for the 24 hour rule!

The next few hours went really quickly.

1pm in lots of pain. Contractions quicker and stronger. OH had to really persuade the midwife to examine me early. She did and I was 3cm and cervix very thin, baby was right there. I was given some Oramorph at this point. Was told I would be examined in another 4 hours and that I would prob go straight onto the hormone drip!!

2.45pm contractions 4 in 10 mins and the contractions were off the scale on the monitor. I felt like I was going to poo every time. The baby felt so low. Couldn't relax or use my hypnobirthing techniques as I was stuck on a bed on the ward and really aware of the other mums waiting to be induced around me. I felt I had to be restricted in how I was feeling and was impossible to be active as no space. OH asked the midwife if I could have some gas and air. She said I wasn't in established labour yet so not really but did agree in the end when she saw how much pain I was in.

I had the gas for about 20 mins and then had a really bloody show. At this point she said that I could now move over to a labour room!! A lady came with a wheel chair which was a mission getting me in as I felt like I was sitting on the baby.

Got to the labour room and was examined. I was 9cm with a little bit of cervix one side to get rid of!! I was so happy to hear we was nearly there as being told I wasn't in established labour was really disheartening and I really didn't know how I would cope later on with the pain I was having then.

I had to stay laying on my side to try and shift the last bit of cervix. Next thing I heard was a gush of water and the midwife got soaked as my full waters went all over her. She wasn't expecting it as she thought they had gone!!! Even though we repeatedly said they had only been leaking small amounts.

The midwife became concerned with baby as heart rate was dipping with contractions and called the doctor in. He decided to do a fetal scalp test and from this decided that I needed to go to theatre to help get this baby out as he just couldn't manage the last little bit.

I pushed with every contraction while getting to theatre but he just wouldn't budge.

I was given a spinal block and told to open my eyes which had been shut for hours!! I was surprised to see a room full of people. My OH was then aloud in and sat by my head.
The spinal block was amazing I couldn't feel a thing. I was told to push and didn't have a clue if I was or not. I had a episiotomy and Seconds later our Baby Boy Freddie George was born at 17.17 with forceps weighing 8lb 6oz.

He was absolutely gorgeous and I had a quick cuddle while I was stitched up. Also got a 3rd degree tear but it's true you forget it all as soon as you have your baby in your arms.
He went to daddy while I was taken to recovery. Then I had him back for his first feed.

Looking back I do feel that if I had of been in a birthing room I would have had a completely different experience. I know they were busy but I felt they looked at me as a first time mum not coping with it all and that my OH was the only one who knew I was further along. He was fab the whole way through. He had to keep chasing them up and pestering them to seem to get me any care or attention. The environment you are in does have an effect on your labour experience and I had really focused on this on the lead up with hypno techniques and sorted music etc. I'm glad I did a birth plan even tho the only thing from it I wanted and got was OH finding out sex of baby everything else that I didn't want I got!!
I can't fault the staff from birthing room onwards as soon as there was a problem there were 8-10 members of staff around and the after care was great too.

I know this is really long but it has been good for me to get this all down.


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Freddie 5 days


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Awww gorgeous Freddie! Well done hun- I think u coped amazingly well :)
Congratulations hun he is gorgeous!!!


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