Freaking out - weeks have dropped


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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For some stupid reason I went and did another clear blue digital test this morning :doh:, on Thursday it was at 3+ weeks, this morning its dropped to 2-3 weeks :shock:. Totally freaking myself out now.

Last mc was at 6 weeks, I'm 5+5 weeks today.
why oh why did u do that??? Stay away from the tests!!!!!!! Not sure what it means hun, sure someone on here has had previous experiance with the clear blue and they may give u some answers. xxx
Kedi, bad girl!!!!! Don't test again! U have ur BFP...... Believe it! I can't tell u why its dropped could be a dodgy test, weaker wee, anything .... Love to u xx
Hi Hun this happens loads, I must have seen about 4 posts and they've all been fine.
It just means the concentration of your urine wasn't as strong also they aren't the most reliable! X x x
Hun don't test again!!!! The conception indicator isn't reliable!

When I got to the hospital last time they did blood test and my HCG was only 30, I was supposed to be 6 weeks, this means it had been dropping for sometime without me knowing. This suggests the same thing is happening again. I know I shouldn't have tested, but I think I'd rather know than wait for blood to start appearing again.
Oh Hun I'm sorry what you went through last time. It doesn't mean it's happening again! Get yourself to dr and request blood works.
Really hope everything works out x x
ive actually seen this happen to a few girls on here, it was not an mc with them, it was simply that the level of hgc in your urine varies due to time of day, hydration of body.....
basically a bfp is a bfp and thats all the hpt can tell you no matter which type it is. if it would set your mind at rest then ring the mw or gp and ask for bloods to be done but basically they wont want to do it just cos you did a hpt and it is highly unlikely that it means anything.
Dont panic it depends how concentrated your urine is when you wee thats why they say a morning one is better as its been in your bladder a lot longer and more contentrated. Ive done 5 test since finding out and ive had one where the line was really dark and another when it was light after the dark one. Thing is on a clear blue its not done on a pink line so i guess like in my case where the line was lighter, surley a clear blue digital may date you a little earlier?
If your worried ring your EPU for piece of mind.
Thanks for the reassurance ladies, this will teach me for keep testing. I'm gonna hang in there and wait to see what happens as Bev says I doubt the docs will do my bloods just because I've done a HPT. I've just told the OH and he has gone mad at me for keep testing.
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we all did it, i only did 5 and never used a cbd i was just happy to see them still say preg no matter how dark the line was or light lol. step away from the tests and chill out.
big hugs tho
Yeah its def not good, after my lighter one i wondered the same things as you and ive not done another one since! I think your right, your best off hanging in there!
I did exactly the same at 7 weeks as i wasn't feeling very pregnant and had spotting. I got the exact same result dropped from 3+ weeks to 2-3 weeks went to my docs to get my bloods done doc messed up my results and told me they were only 63 so looked like I was going to Miscarry. Two days later went back to docs for comparitive bloods were the doc told me they made a mistake and that my original results were 6389!! Please please do not read anything into this result hun. I'm 13 weeks now and have had scan :dance: I had a previous miscarriage at 12 weeks which is why I was a paranoid mess!!
I did exactly the same at 7 weeks as i wasn't feeling very pregnant and had spotting. I got the exact same result dropped from 3+ weeks to 2-3 weeks went to my docs to get my bloods done doc messed up my results and told me they were only 63 so looked like I was going to Miscarry. Two days later went back to docs for comparitive bloods were the doc told me they made a mistake and that my original results were 6389!! Please please do not read anything into this result hun. I'm 13 weeks now and have had scan :dance: I had a previous miscarriage at 12 weeks which is why I was a paranoid mess!!
This is a lovely and wonderful response xx
Thanks ladies, you're all so right. Thanks Kirsty, glad its not just me here! I'm gonna try not to stress and just see what happens, if it wasn't for the test today and previous mc I have no reason to think i will mc this time. I've had no spotting or blood whatsoever.
Hope the test means nothing kedi, Annie did this to herself a while back her test dropped to 2-3, but the next day it was 3+ again with stronger pee. I know she did have a mmc in the end but it does show that the concentration can affect the tests. xx
Thanks Kanga, I just replied on your other thread. xxx

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